D&D: FDS Head to the Elven wench to get a drink

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You walk to the elven wench inn and step through the door. You immedietly clashes with the rest of the crowd. Many are sailors and thugs and thieves. Despite the name, there isn't really any elven wenches. Most of the waitresses are girl who was brought down here and ekk out a harsh living. And many of the patrons are man looking for entertainement.

As you walk to the bar, the innkeeper, a half-orc spots you and recongnize you immedietly: "Hey there. Same as usual ?" he asks.

You nods and smile at him. He pulls out the expansive bottles and hands it to you with a glass. You lay the coins to pay on the counter and take your bottle to a table and sits for a quiet drink. Quiet being overrated in this case.

You spend the next couple of minutes drinking and enjoying the sights of drunken man. Many of them don't hide their interest in you. Other then the used waitresses, you are the only female presence and your distinguished air outshine them all easily. The wine eventualy gets to your mind and you start feeling a little tipsy. But not enough to bother you in anyway. The right kind of tipsy.

D&D: FDS Take a room to cool off

D&D: FDS Return to the church of sin

D&D: FDS A shady character aproaches you

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