Ask Amelia what's wrong. Why shouldn't you be concerned?

From Create Your Own Story

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Amelia pauses before scoffing, her voice laced with scorn, “It’s not like you actually care.”

“W-What?” you stare at her, completely confused. Why would Amelia say something so hurtful? Of course, you care, was that not why you're best friends? At least you thought you were best friends. She seemed fine earlier this evening and you just can’t understand why...

“And you still don’t get it, do you?” Amelia continues, rolling her eyes. She turns away from you and picks up her menu, “Whatever, let’s just order.”

You can’t take your eyes off Amelia, too confused to process what just happened and blindly reach for your menu, missing it on the table the first time, picking it up successfully the second. She glances over at you, so you avert your eyes and take a deep breath to steel your nerves.

Do you:

Status (and hopefully schedule)
Mood Confused and slightly sad Equipment:

A knee length off the shoulder dress adorned with gold glittery stars, kitten heels and a purse containing Vaseline and a £10 note.

 ??  ?
 ??  ?
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