Make Miranda poop with the door open

From Create Your Own Story

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"I'm afraid you leave me with no choice," you say to Miranda.

You walk over to the bathroom door and fling it open. You know she can't do anything about it because she's still sitting and shitting.

Miranda blushes slightly, but still laughs - you're not sure if it's out of amusement, embarrassment, or both. "Aw, come on!" she says. "Can't I have some privacy?"

"This room stinks because of you," you reply. "You need to let fresh air in."

"I have to go," Miranda insists. "It's not that bad..."

A few seconds later, you hear more shit shoot out from her ass with a telltale plop.

"Gross!" you say. "How can you even stand it?"

All your sister can do is laugh and shrug. What else is there to do? She's helpless on the toilet.

"The door stays open," you continue. "End of discussion."

You step out of the bathroom, making sure to not close the door behind you. "Please, Alex?" your sister calls back. "I need my privacy."

You turn back towards Miranda, once again seeing her from the side - and the side of her naked butt.

"We all need to be able to breathe fresh air," you reply. "You're making that impossible for whoever comes in next. How do you think mom, dad, or Jessica are going to feel? They're going to get very sick because of you."

"I'm telling you, it's not that bad..."

"It is," you state. "Trust me, Miranda. You need to let fresh air inside. Now."

"But wait!" Miranda still seems amused, but you can sense desperation from her. "What if someone sees me like this?"

Now it's your turn to shrug. "You better finish up fast."

"I can't, Josh. I'm going to be here awhile."

You shrug again. "My hands are tied," you say. "There are other people in this house. You have to think of them."

"Wait!" Miranda pauses for a moment to make a foul noise that's complimented by a foul odor. "Please, wait. I have people coming over. I don't want them seeing me here."

"Then you better make it fast," you reiterate.

"I told you, I can't."

"Find a way," you tell her.

While Miranda may still be finding some amusement in her predicament, you're certain it's now a cover for how embarrassed she is - and how embarrassed she will be when more people pass by the bathroom. It's only a matter of when they appear.

You are:
Josh, age 18
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