Try to get Angela out of here

From Create Your Own Story

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You wrap one arm around Angela and one around Kerri. "Don't worry, Angela," you tell her. "I'll make sure nothing bad happens." You use what's left of your demonic strength to hustle the girls out of the church. As you leave, you feel the full power returning to your body.

"Where is he?" Angela gasps, still sobbing.

"Never mind," you say. "Leave everything to me."

Your words of encouragement prove to be short lived when a distinct noise rings through the air. You feel something in your chest and instinctively bring a hand towards it. You pull your hand back. Blood.

As your host dies, you shift into the next available girl, Kerri. Now you can see your attacker - a woman with long red hair, shades, an immaculate haute couture outfit, body armor - and a massive handgun.

"Gotcha!" the redhead laughs as she turns her weapon to your new host. Instinctively, you shut your eyes and hear a gunshot. For a moment, you still see darkness. Then you realize the gunshot sounded a little different from the first. You open your eyes in time to see the the redhead in the same position as before, but with a mouth open in surprise. And one of her lens shades is broken. Then she falls down.

You turn around to see the second shooter, a masked man in a military outfit. By his side is Angela, who has fallen unconscious, although you're not sure what caused her to pass out. The man moves his gun towards you.

"I'm going to tell you this once and only once," the masked man says. "You stay away from her."

The man takes Angela over his shoulder and walks back into the church. You stay focused on him until another sight catches your eye - Susan, somehow still alive and unharmed, raising herself from the ground.

"Uhnnnn," Susan groans as she brings herself up. "Kerri, what happened?"

You are possessing:
Dark-haired girl
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