Forget her and go find the bars?

From Create Your Own Story

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It's a bit quieter downtown during the day hours. Even with all the restaurants and businesses here the difference is noticeable. You start walking and consider your options.

There's the King's Crown, a real classy place with security that kind of resembles the Secret Service. Luckily, rules are real slack during the day hours. It's typically one of those "member only" real stuck up places, but maybe you can get in somehow and find a lonely housewife, or some brat from a rich family.

On the far end of the street there's Pulse, a teen friendly party club that's always blaring some variation of techno. It's pretty empty around now but that doesn't mean there's no potential. I mean, who needs to hear anything anyway?

Can't forget the Drunken Sailor. The crowd there usually consists of older folks in their forties or fifties that still go out. Sometimes you find that girl that brings back thoughts of that "Stacy's Mom" music video, but other times you find Fiona from the Shrek movie. This could be a risky option, but maybe you feel lucky.

Last, and probably also least, is the Rat Trap. It's literally just an old warehouse with speakers and a bar in it. All the drug lords, trailer trash, and ghetto folk typically hang out here. It's not out of the norm for someone to get killed in this place. But hey, maybe you want to scrape the bottom of the barrel and rattle your own cage a bit.

As you ponder the choices you notice there's a flat chested blonde girl sitting at a table in front of a restaurant. She's wearing a black tutu over her like green t-shirt and burnt orange jeans. And...... are those running shoes? She has big green eyes but as you examine her face more you notice the redness and puffiness of someone who's just been crying.

Onward to the King's Crown

Head down to Pulse

Take your chances at the Drunken Sailor

Fearlessly head for the Rat Trap

Engage the sad blonde girl

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