Magic and Mayhem-Go Downstairs

From Create Your Own Story

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Downstairs ou find the other two brothers. Your 'dorm' consisted of several housing units, most of which had three stories merged into halls so they could pack more students in without taking up as much space, and you were glad of it, how would people cope without the essentials being right there? You couldn't even imagine having to trapes around halls looking for your kitchen. The inside was modern, enough, stylish and mostly a soft white, proper kitchen appliences: microwave, oven, cauldron, cleaning sink, the works. Stepping into the open kitchen, narrowly avoiding the island countertop in your half asleep state, you greated the self-proclaimed eldest of the trio. Nathan dressed in his usual blue polo shirt, startled, fumbled with the glass jar he'd been holding, narrowly avoiding dropping the whole thing.

"Ah, morning! I didn't realize you'd woke up … " Nathan brushed his immaculately styled hair to the side, blue eyes quickly giving your form a once over. Before he could say anything though, Tyler, the middle child of the family, had pushed past and threw herself into a hug. She wrapped her arms around your waist, spinning the both of you slightly so she had her back pressed against the island top and you placed firmly to her frame. Tyler was lovely, but far, far too energetic for this time of the morning. She grinned up at you, green eyes sparkling.

"Good morning! I didn't think I'd see you before I had to head out, so glad you got up in time!" Tyler was already dressed for leaving, hair pulled back into a ponytail, green blouse tucked neatly into her skirt. She didn't have class until 4, but she did have to work, in the next … "Oh my gosh! It's nearly 6 already I have to run, pop in to see me if youcanokaybye!" She left a quick peck on the side of your cheek before grabbing her rucksack and running out of the door, late as usual. You stifled a laugh as Nathan shook his head at his sisters antics. Finally having a chance to talk, he opened his mouth again, but was cut off by Alex shuffling his way into the kitchen and slipping the glass jar out of Nathans hands - "Hey!"

"Sorry bro, I'll buy you some more tomorrow but I really need a pick me up". Alex sipped at the clear fluid, licking his lips at the tangy taste before Nathan promptly took it back. Squinting his eyes at his youngest brother he tipped the contents into a pan that swirled with colour, letting out a chuff of auburn smoke that slowly shifted into an interesting blue mist. As was expected Nathan soon began lecturing about how dangerous it is to just drink whatever is nearby while Alex nodded along. Would Tyler have been here, she would have been trying to sneak away to avoid the lecture herself.

It wasn't uncommon for student's to have mixed gendered dorm rooms, and while you liked men and women, sure, it was nice to have some of the same sex living with you, that being:



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