Silica's Gift - Fatal Bullet

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 10:26, 19 August 2019 by Axagon (Talk | contribs)
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  • You: Silica?! What do you think you're doing?

It appears that she hasn't heard you, because she keeps on pleasuring you. It didn't take long for her to change actions and to put her lips on the tip of your dick. She puts her arms on your legs to sustain herself, and she thrust her mouth back and forth on your dick. It's strange, she can't seem to notice you but you can feel everything she does. It really doesn't feel wrong, in fact, it actually feels enjoyable. Instead of opposing her actions, you start to support her. You lay a hand behind her head, and you support her already thrusting head even more. Since she already was pleasuring you before you saw her playing with you, you felt your orgasm coming earlier than expected.

  • You: I'm going to cum Silica!

Yet again, she shows no response to you. It's clear to you that she can not hear you. This makes you think, 'Am I really here?'. It's unlikely, since two minutes ago you were still in a pitch black area. There is no way that in two minutes, you could find Silica who is already sucking on your dick. This has to be some kind of strange illusion, right?

You can feel that your dick is releasing its cum in Silica's mouth, and as soon as that has happened, your view gets blurry again. A few seconds later once your view is normal again, you find yourself in the black room. In front of you, you can see a Teleporting message.

Teleporting... success!

When you open your eyes, you notice that the area around you feels more realistic then where you previously were. The thing that the area has in common though, is that it's pitch black again. You move your hand towards the side of your right leg to see if you have your pants on. Luckily you do. A few seconds later, you can hear a teleportation sound behind you.

  • Dawn: Master? Where are you?

You reach for the direction the sound was coming from, and you hug Dawn tightly. She gasps for a moment because of the surprise hug you're giving her. Call this a 'payback' for what she did when you arrived in your room.

  • You: I'm right here, don't worry Dawn.

Once you're done hugging her, you grab her hand and you attempt to guide her through the area you're currently in. Since you have no way to navigate through the area, it may be best to call out for help.

What will you say?

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