FW/MaleHorse/Think about heading back home before you get yourself drunk

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You decide that two beers is enough for you. You pour everyone else their refills and deliver them to the living room, and you think you've made the right choice when you hear several of the girls start laughing hysterically, surely a sign that they're already getting drunk. You certainly won't begrudge them their fun, but heavy drinking just isn't your thing.

"Well, ladies, I have another shift tomorrow, so I'm gonna bail. Thanks for having me over, Sam."

Sam looks disappointed. "Aw, leaving so soon?"

You nod. "Yeah, gotta get some sleep. Big day tomorrow." You lean in and give her a quick kiss, then wave to everyone else and head for the door.

A few seconds later, you enter your own apartment and quickly head for your bedroom. You're going to have lots of fun fantasies about those girls tonight, especially that fox and cat with their big, furry tails. You enjoy jerking yourself off several times to lurid fantasies about them, making several big messes on your bed that you're gonna have to clean up... tomorrow.

But as you drift off to sleep, you suddenly wonder to yourself if you'd just missed a great opportunity...

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Equine
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