Joel will go

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 17:24, 23 July 2018 by Boltox (Talk | contribs)

Joel and Ellie leavs the building and heads to the north tunnle...

"Wow I heard the shoots but I still didn't, relize. What happened?" Ellie states.

"the army killed them and soon us too if we dont get of the street." Joel grunts at ellie.

"Okay you are the pro I follow your lead." Ellie says half sarcasticly. Damn what up with this guy, who shoved a broom up his ass?

They walk for a while until they need get up to a balcony.

"So how are we gonna get up there?" Ellie asks.

"Easy, I just boost you up and then climb myself." Joel replies.

"Sure, if you think that will work." Ellie says not sertian if it will.

Joel sits down with his back against the wall and waits for Ellie to march up on his lap. Ellie steps on top of his knees and then Joel boost her up.

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