Try to convince one of the farmers to give you a cow

From Create Your Own Story

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"Finish up your breakfast, and get some rest. I'll see if I can get some milk for you." you tell him, and he doesn't seem apposed.

After a quick change of clothes, and making sure the minotuar is comfortable, you head out to the local farms. You ask each of them if they have a spare dairy cow they could lend you, but each of them shake their heads. The excuse most of them give you, is that they're way behind this year, and can't spare any. They can't even spare any fresh milk for you either. You tell them you're willing to pay for it, but still they deny you. One asks if you're willing to sleep with him for some, but you flat out refuse to do that.

Walking home in defeat, you wonder if there's any other way he could get the milk he needs? You come across the local library, and decide to take a quick look inside. There must be some way of making sure he doesn't go berserk. You find a few books on breast feeding, lactating, and early motherhood. These don't really help you, though, as they're pretty much all about women who are expecting.

Giving up, and not knowing where to look next, you head home. The minotuar greets you, but clearly sees that you couldn't get anything for him. "I'm sorry." you say.

"It's all right. Once I'm good enough to stand, I'll be on my way. Is that all right?"

You sit down across from him and sigh. "I suppose."

"Thank you, though. You're the first person who's ever treated me so well."

You smile at him, and say, "You're welcome."

It's then you hear a knock on the door. You tell the minotuar to keep quiet, and answer the door. It's the mayor. "Yes, Mr Mayor?" you ask.

"Lorisa, we've heard from the local guard that they spotted a minotuar in the area yesterday. But the beast got away before they could finish it off. You haven't seen anything have you?"

"No, I haven't. Sorry." you lie.

"I see. Well, if you do see anything, let me know, okay?"

"Of course."

"Thank you." he says before leaving.

You close the door, and see the minotuar stare at you. "Why did you lie?" he asks.

Health female orc, amnesia, named Lorisa Equipment:

simple blue dress, slippers, makeup, jewelry

Experience Virgin
HP 100
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