You're still worried about the minotuar, stay up

From Create Your Own Story

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As tired as you may be, you're still worried that he might hurt himself in his sleep and decide to stay up and watch over him. Just in case his wounds open up again. To pass the time, you do several house cleaning chores you've been putting off. Time goes surprisingly fast, and you check up on the minotuar often, who sleeps quite soundly. By dawn, you're utterly spent, but decide to cook breakfast. Something simple, bacon and eggs.

This smells awaken the minotuar, and you say, "Good morning. Sleep well?"

He doesn't respond, and with a grunt sits up, before attempting to stand. You quickly rush over to him, and prevent him. "Wait! You can't move just yet. You almost died yesterday, after all."

The minotaur grunts and groans in pain, but still, it's clear he doesn't want to be here any longer. "I can't stay." he says.

"You're going to hurt yourself all over again! So sit down!"

He looks away from you, but does as instructed. Pleased with him, you rush back to the kitchen before breakfast burns, and set two plates. "Why do you want to leave?" you ask.

"Because I have to. For your safety, I have to. You've done a lot for me, and I don't want to hurt you."

"What are you talking about?" you ask as you hand him his plate.

He takes a deep breath, and tells you, "During a certain time of the year, male minotuars tend to lose control of themselves, for various reasons. That time is almost here, and I don't want to hurt you."

Actually touched that this monster is concerned for you, you smile at him. "That's sweet of you."

"I'm being serious! I could end up killing you. Unless I got what I needed to calm me down."

"What do you need?" you ask as you eat your breakfast.

"Warm milk, fresh from the source." he says as he points at your breasts.

You blush and quickly wrap your hands around your chest. "O-oh... Um... well, I'm not... lactating right now." You pause, before you tell him, "But I know the local farmers, and I'm sure I could get some fresh milk from them."

"It can't be cold, or filtered. It has to be at most, a few minutes fresh."

"How long until you go into this frenzy, or whatever?" you ask.

"Next week."

Health female orc, amnesia, named Lorisa Equipment:

simple brown dress, slippers, makeup, jewelry

Experience Virgin
HP 100
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