Serenity: continue to reason

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Becoming scared

Step by step Serenity retreats as the two men match her pace. She was running out of options with every passing second.

"What if we wait, we can do this later when everybody is gone." Serenity says trying to persuade them.

"C'mon cutie, you're just giving us a handjob. The bald man says making a jerking motion with his fist. "You'll make some sweet cash!"

"If ya want, you can do us one at a time." Suggests the older man making it sound like it would make things sound better.

"No! I don't want to do any of yous, just go away! Please!"

With her heartbeat increasing with each breath, Serenity was finalizing in her mind that she was really going to have to beat off two men right here and now. It feels like that there in no way around this at all.

Serenity: keep retreating

Serenity hide in the last stall

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