Serenity: give in

From Create Your Own Story

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Feeling devilish

Serenity gives a cheeky squint at the offer once more and thinks about what good some money can do with a simple handjob, will she really take an order like that?

"Let me see that fifty once more." Serenity curiously says.

"Can't resist, eh?" The blad man reaches into his pocket once more to fish out the bill.

She snatches the bill off the man. Raising an eyebrow she pockets it and walks by the two men that look excited that Serenity took the bribe. Slowly moving along each cubicle, Serenity bends downwards and falls to her knees facing the two men with a sexy half smile. She notices a large bulge in their pants and watches the two horny men instantly pulling their cocks from their pants that were already erected. Serenitys' jaw drops at the sight of the two members. She had no idea what to do. Her heart was beating fast and was a bit scared on what will come later. The two men start themselves off by gripping their own cocks and thrust them between their fist just by the sight of Serenity's beauty. Serenity then has a thought, was this a good idea, what the hell is she thinking?

Serenity: Grips both cocks and starts

Serenity: Refuse to do two men at the same time

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