A Fall Stranger-drills!

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Drills is what really separates the boys from the men. Coach Fielder is so confident in her placement it's final for the entire season. If you're a 450 lb. running back, and you're out of breath that's too bad; Fielder will just tell you to either quit or drop the pounds, tubby. So first impressions are essentially everything. Everyone starts off by throwing, and with each throw you move further apart. If you fumble or your spiral is inconsistent within the 20 yards, your chances of becoming quarterback are literally obliterated. The failures, Fielder sends to either sprint trials (running back) or tackling practice (linebacker). If you haven't fucked up yet, then you've just qualified to become either a wide receiver or a quarterback.

You've paired up and you gotta say your partner is doing impressively well; you haven't seen him on the team so he must be a freshman or new kid. He doesn't even look the part, he's a lanky ginger, who either doesn't get out much or just moved from Alaska, because he's pale as fuck. Fielder blows the whistle, and you both make it to the next round. Coming into this you felt pretty cocky, being a senior and all, this should've just been handed to you. But looking around there's a lot more competition including a shit ton of freshman and- Jackson? Jackson, seriously? I mean he's got a good throw, but he's always been a running back; it's his signature. Together on the field you were like bread and butter. Whenever he was open you'd throw, and he'd make the touchdowns; simple as that. Realizing that the competition is as stiff as your best friend going against you.. you need a second to breathe.

Fielder blows the whistle, marking It's time for you to go home; true, tryouts weren't that long but it's just Day One. Tomorrow all finalists for quarterback or wide receiver, star in mock games. (All running or linebackers continue tryouts and will be assigned today for tomorrow's trials). So she essentially expects you to work your ass off tonight for tomorrow. And she's not wrong. You want to ask Jackson if he wants to get some more practice in before tomorrow. But now do you really want to help the competition? Especially since you really need to shine in order to get any type of scholarships... You're feeling conflicted as fuck. What should you do?

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