
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:08, 30 January 2018 by Anedwcan (Talk | contribs)

In this story, you control Melissa, a young woman in a magical world, that stumbles upon a small hunting party of goat men. Will Melissa reach her home safely? How the story ends is up to you!

This is a primitive world where monsters need human women to bear their young. Since the King's Guard ruthlessly hunts down and kills any monster committing actual rape, the women need to follow the monsters home of their own volition. To complicate this, a rumor that monster cum can be addictive has spread throughout the land...

In this game, you can't make Melissa do things she's not comfortable with, and her comfort level is indicated by a bar of hearts. As the goat men earns her trust, more hearts turn red.

You often have to do or say things that dismay or irritate Melissa, making her annoyment level rise. If Melissa ever reaches her maximum annoyment, she draws her sword or reports the monsters for rape. In either case, you have reached a bad ending. To avoid this, you must max out Melissa's enjoyment level first.

You don't know beforehand if an action increases her enjoyment or annoyment or both. Of course, you can use your browser's back button to undo any action.

Now begin playing...: FFE/Someone's hiding in the bushes

 Enjoy  5 (10)  Hearts:


 Annoy  0 (20)
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