Get up and write down the danger zones(BROOKE)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:20, 9 May 2008 by Junoh315 (Talk | contribs)

And your Danger Zones are:

  • I04
  • J10
  • A01
  • B04
  • D05
  • E04

As you jot these danger zones down, you can't believe that Jenn has died. You don't really care, though, because the other girls are going to die as well, as long as you have anything to do with it. As you look at the other girls, you see Kim, the strongest of the group, still sleeping. It makes you grin because you now have the perfect oppritunity to kill her.

Should you?

Character: Brooke Harris
Alive: 46 students
Hours Remaining: 65
Weapons Aquired: Butcher Knife
Friends: Girl #17 Jenn Penn (ELIMINATED), Girl #18 Ayane Akiko, Girl #6 Kim Rhodes, Girl #5 Samantha Fulton, Girl #15 JC Lee
Kills: Domi Sheen

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