A motorcycle, ridden by an Hispanic man(IE/WF 32)

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The loud engine you hear makes you turn to and you see a heavy set Hispanic man pulling in on a Harley Davidson, he is dressed as a typical biker in jeans, boots and a sleeveless denim jacket open at the waste showing off his tattooed body.

"¿Problemas con el auto?" He asks you but not knowing any Spanish you stare at him blankly. "Car trouble?" He asks this time in English all but heavily accented.

"Only a flat tire." You answer as he steps off of his motorcycle and takes the tire off of you and despite your protests he proceeds to change the tire. He his just finishing when he calls you over.

"Hey Rojo, you have a crack on the driveshaft. If you get down here you can see it."

The thought of getting down next to him is a little repulsive, but he gets up out of the way and you get down to take a look unfortunately your knowledge of cars is limited and have no idea what the driveshaft is.

"Is it serious?"

"If it breaks while you're driving you'll end up in a big wreck, if I were you I'd get it replaced and soon."

"It's that bad?"

"Sure is, I have a friend who lives close by, he usually only deals in motorcycles, but I'm sure I could persuade him to take a look at yours."

"Will it be expensive?"

"That I don't know, just follow me it's not far and I won't go too fast, then you'll get your answer."

He climbs back on board his motorcycle and starts it up before pulling out in front of your car waiting for you to follow.

Do you?

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