D&D: Red Lion: Lucas

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Lucas is the youngest on the team and joined when they helped him find a special spell book. Lucas is a wizard fresh out of Mage Academy and has a bad habit of making things explode. Most of what he knows are fire spells and can probebly burn down the forest if he's not careful. Most of the other members make fun o his age and treat him like a teenager dispite being 21 and well into adulthood. Lucas is also completely virgin and it's unknown what sex he falls for. One moment he seems completely invested in girls then the next he seems to be completely into guys. The only thing consistent is there is no way in hell he'll want to date Rider. Lucas stabds at about 5"7' and is vary thin and not vary athletic. He also has medium length blond hair neatly combed and is the most well groomed of the group. His body is mostly devode of body hair. With only some blond hairs in his armpit and a few pubic hairs.

The party members:

D&D: Red Lions: Leon Male human ranger (leader)

D&D: Red Lion: Marick Male human paladin

D&D: Red Lion: Barras Male HalfOrc Fighter

D&D: Red Lion: Bertrand Male Dwarf Cleric

D&D: Red Lion: Rider Male Human Rouge

If you are done reviewing the party members, you can:

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