Fairy Female Exile (Fantasy Creatures)

From Create Your Own Story

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Your name is Lavender Bloodmoon. Being a fairy, you're only a mere eleven inches tall. You have bedraggled, black hair that cascades down to your thighs, and eyes grey like cold embers. Your wings are that of a common moth, pale-grey and lacking any markings. You wear attire befitting the moon you were born under, a red dress with black polka dots fashioned from treated ladybird elytra. Under your dress, your skin is unusually tanned for a fairy.

You're quite the unruly sort, even more so than fairies usually are, not giving to obeying any will but your own. Evidently, that hasn't worked out too well for you, as your constant disobedience and mischief have landed you a permanent exile from your birthplace. Fluttering on from home with nothing but the clothes on your back, you're not sure what to do with yourself. One thing's for certain; you're not going back home.

You've a range of options ahead of you, none of them great, but you'll have to make do. First, you could try finding residence in a human city. Human's aren't too trusting of fairies, however, preferring their science to your magic and their laws to your anarchy. Perhaps a clan of orcs wouldn't mind your presence, and that's what you should be seeking out. Maybe you could find a herd of ogres to pick on for a bit.

As you think and fly, you spot a gathering in the distance. There's a clan of elves moving through the forest. Perhaps you could pay them a visit, though you're not certain you'll be able to bear their poncy attitudes.

Do you…

  • Go to the elves? — They might be pretentious, but they've a respect for magic that orcs and humans lack.
  • Find a human city? — Unlike elves and orcs, humans have their roots in the ground, and you hardly feel like becoming a nomad.
  • Find an orc clan? — Orcs are so much more fun than humans or elves. There'll be no pesky laws telling you what to do.
  • Find an ogre herd? — Not a permanent solution, but it might be fun to pick on some ogres for a bit. They're just so dumb.
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