Kill yourself by slamming your head against the metal screen repeatedly, Jessica

From Create Your Own Story

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You flash them a demonic grin and move your head with as much force as you can manage. The metal slices grisly into your forehead and blood begins to leak into your eyes. You do this several times and you realize that two problems are likely to occur. The metal gate is actually starting to give away and despite your demonic force forcing the girl to stay awake your control is slipping and this body will just go unconscious soon. The police man has stopped the car and is screaming at you to stop as is the woman. She is opening her door and rushing to open up your car door.

Several possibilities occur to you. You could use some of the loosened wire to slice your, Jessica's, throat. Or you could keep at your current plan. Or you could attack Tracy the police woman. She sounded pretty panicked, you bet you could get to her gun when she opens the door. Or you could just leap out and start running away.

Inside you can hear Jessica's panicked voice screaming at you to make this stop.

Slice open Jessica's throat, Jessica

Keep bashing in your head, Jessica

Steal officer Tracy's gun, Jessica

Leap out and start running, Jessica

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