Shake your head and refuse

From Create Your Own Story

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Enough is enough. You'd sucked cocks before to get out of trouble but this was going too far. You can't speak, so you shake your head as hard as you can. The psychologist sees this and smiles.

"So you don't want to accept your punishment?"

You keep shaking your head. The psychologist at first seems like he won't do anything about it, but after a couple of seconds he grimaces and looks up at the teacher. "On second thought, perhaps don't join in. The girl isn't being particularly cooperative."

"Stupid slut," you hear your teacher grumble as he walks back across the room, his erect dick still poking straight out.

"But you'll still accept my discipline, won't you?" the psychologist asks you, his cock still deep in your warm, wet mouth.

Do you:

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