Accept the implied challenge and cook a meal for Catalina

From Create Your Own Story

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If you're going to cook a meal, you'd better make it one you know how to prepare. You buy a few simple ingredients and head over to Catalina's home.

"How lovely," she purrs. "I do like a man who can cook."

"I hope you still feel that way after tasting it," you reply, drawing a giggle from Catalina.

The meal is simple -- mashed potatoes, a ground-meat-and-cheese scramble and a salad. But it's one you feel very confident in. You call Catalina when it's ready, the two of you sit down, and dinner is served.

"Well done, Ty," Catalina smiles.

You laugh. "I do try."

After dinner and putting the dirty dishes where they belong, Catalina leads you to her sofa, and the two of you comfortably snuggle for a bit. You kiss her a few times, and she kisses you a few times.

"You're doing a good job, so far, convincing me that dating a younger man is a good idea," Catalina informs you. You blush. "You may either leave, and return tomorrow evening -- it'll be my second day of my `weekend' -- or if you reallywant to win my trust, you can come to the bedroom and let me try something I've never gotten a man to try before. Probably because it's strictly for my sexual pleasure and not theirs, and it involves a task some men view as being emasculating."

"Um.... what exactly would be entailed?" you inquire.

"I blindfold you, tie your hands behind your back, strip you, put you face down ass up on the bed, tie your legs to the bottom bedposts, and fuck your ass with a strap-on that has a clitoral stimulator for my pleasure."

"Would you think less of me if I said no?"

"I would not. Cooking for me tonight won you a lot of brownie points already. But I would think a great deal more of you if you said yes."

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