
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 09:01, 3 April 2017 by Tailmon (Talk | contribs)
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Hello, I am Jemini, and while this is originally Elerneron's story it seems that since I have come on I am writing the majority of it. Anyway, I really like writing what other people want to see, so if anyone has a request for witch red lettered option I should fill, you can make a request on my talk page and I will fill it as soon as I can get around to it.

Hello I am Tailmon, honestly, I'm a reader that started making one of my own stories called Life of a Futa , but enough about me, let's get to why I'm writing this. Honestly, I'm not big on 2T4U, it's too easy to lose interest in. but Elerneron's Primal Influence is better, which thanks to Platypus has now been deleted in 2015 (I hope you die a miserably slow and painful death). Before deletion, a comment from Elerneron in 2T4U for stopping Primal Influence is, "My last story Primal Influence may be a little too complex for many writers to wish to invest their time, and I really want a story writers can get into..." I don't think so at. to me, it wasn't that it was too complex, it's that there was too little to go on, what I mean is that you didn't contribute more pages before handing it to writers. the main job of a writer is to come up with a story(s) and give enough details for others to work off of. Which you didn't give enough details for others to work off of.

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