Relinquish your wallet and phone to the thug

From Create Your Own Story

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If this is a test, then Annabelle has to be testing your intelligence. Only a fool would jump an armed man. And if it's not a test...You hand over your wallet and iPhone to the thug. Annabelle gives him her purse.

"Where are the car keys?" he demands.

"They're in my purse," Annabelle sighs.

The gunman yanks out the car keys, then points his weapon at the hot babe. "You're coming with"

"NO!" you shout instinctively.

The thug points his pistol at you. "Like you're in any position to give me or..."

While he's distracted, Annabelle kicks the gun out of his hand, sending it flying, then kicks him in the face, knocking him backward. The gun falls to the ground right in front of you. You pick it up, trembling, and point it at the now disarmed gunman as he begins advancing on you.

"You look like a little boy playing with daddy's gun," he taunts you as he comes closer. "Now why don't you just give me my gun back and let me take off with what I deserve, which is your stuff and your woman. A short, scrawny loser like you doesn't deserve a hot babe like her."

"Just shoot him!" Annabelle shouts.

"You don't want to do that," the thug smirks. "I'm black and unarmed, and you're white. You shoot me and you'll go to prison for sure in this political climate. And guess what the big, muscular black inmates will do to your scrawny white ass when they find out you shot a black man."

The mugger is almost on you now. Your whole body is shaking.

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