Awaken Nicole Kidman - your childhood crush

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide that stunning blonde starlet Nicole Kidman is the best choice. After all, why not begin with the beginning of your obsession? You still remember seeing images of Nicole on a tape of Eyes Wide Shut you snuck from your parents. She always seemed like such a mischievous spirit to you - and had a tall, elegant body to match.

You look her up on the central computer and find her pod. Entering in the commands, you set her pod to end her hibernation. Satisfied with yourself, you now wait.


Sitting at the bar, hours later, you hear a noise behind you. Turning, you see Nicole Kidman in a white space-swimsuit, her hands covering a gasp. She's not as taught as she was in 1999, but the Australian goddess still looked gorgeous. You can't help but smile, before realising how terrible the situation is supposed to be.

'Oh thank God,' Nicole begins, coming quickly over to you, 'there's someone else!'

She grabs you into a hug, and squeezes you tight to her body, her considerable height bringing your face into her beautiful clothed chest. The part of your brain not connected to your hormones recognises that it is game time.

'I can't believe you're awake too, Nicole!' you cry, 'I've been awake for a couple of days now and thought I would be doomed to spend my life alone!'

She pulls back, cupping your face in her hands.

'Oh you poor thing! That must have been horrible!'

Out of the corner of your eye you spot that further down the bar is a small puddle of your jizz from a few days ago. Hastily you pull her shoulder away from the bar.

'Maybe we should look for someone else who's awake?'

'I don't know, I could really go for a drink...' She turns back to the bar and you hastily grab her shoulder again.

'Your body is still adjusting to being awake, you'll need food in you first or you'll be out like a light' you scramble for ideas. However your quick thinking seems to pay off. She nods and steps away from the bar and your... evidence. She thinks for a moment.

'There must be a master computer somewhere.' She says, matter-of-factly. 'If we find it, we may just find a way to put ourselves back under.'

You gulp, and follow after her as she darts off excitedly. You hadn't expected her to be so sharp.

'Listen Ms Kidman-'

'Oh call me Nicole you dolt' she flashes a smile back at you - dazzling and just a tiny bit naughty, just like you've always imagined her. Glancing down her swimsuit, you see her ample ass - rounding out nicely at the top of her long, powerful legs. And so you are distracted until she stops suddenly, and you look up to see a map of the ship.

'Nicole, I've been looking for a computer for the last few days and I hardly think you're likely to just-' 'I've found it' she beams, spinning and taking off again in the direction of the master computer. 'You found it.' you say in a daze, following after her.


You find yourself inside the master control room, standing uncomfortably as Nicole reads through the screen.

'What's your name, by the way' she says absently as she reads. 'I'm Roy Fibber, and are you sure you know what you're doing?' 'Of course I do.' she smiles, bent at the hip as she checks out the computer, 'my father was a scientist. Chemistry, but even so.'

You now find yourself tracing her body with your eyes, up her luscious legs, past her tight bottom, and up her smooth back.

'Okay, just thought I'd arse.' 'What?' 'Just thought I'd ask.' 'Ah ha!' She cries, straightening up to your disappointment, 'I've found Keith.'

You grimace. Keith Urban, her country singer husband.

'He'll know what to do, I just need to wake him up!'

'Wait!' You cry out, before she does it. She turns to you, with her piercing, inquisitive eyes. You have to think fast.

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