High Voltage/Go to bed2

From Create Your Own Story

< High Voltage
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I shook my head. "This was fun," I said, "but I'm getting tired." Elianna nodded her head, and I went down to my room and shut the door. I looked at my class schedule. Tomorrow I had History and Ethics at 8 and 9 AM. I groaned. I checked my phone calendar and saw that I was also working from 1-8.

I took off my plaid shirt and my bra, tossing the clothes into a laundry basket next to the closet. I walked over to the dresser and found a long grey tee shirt and put it on. I searched for other sleepwear, but Lauren didn't seem to have a bunch. There were multiple pairs of lounge pants, but it was still too warm to wear those. I sat on the edge of the bed and took off my jeans. They fit snugly, so removing them was difficult, and Elianna's vodka concoction didn't make things easier. The tee shirt was long and loose fitting, at least compared to the rest of my clothes, so it covered my black panties.

I turned on my computer and sat down with it cross-legged on the bed. I opened the internet and brought up a search engine and began researching body swapping and electrical current. I don't know what I expected to find, but I didn't find any of it. My initial concerns were realized: it could be deadly to try to shock ourselves back to our original bodies, and all the information on body swapping could easily be classified as fiction.

Should I:

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