Keep quiet and hope the bullies will get bored and go away

From Create Your Own Story

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You simply look down at your shoes, hoping that the bullies will get bored and go away. But they don't. Instead, they see your lack of reaction as weakness. Like sharks smelling blood, they close in for the kill, hurling insults.

Finally, Annabelle speaks up. "I'm sorry, but I just can't anymore," she tells you. "I need a man who can stand up for himself. Please go."

The three thugs explode into triumphant laughter. "Ha ha! She dumped you! Pwn3d, loser!"

Annabelle suddenly kicks the ringleader in the nuts. "You Neanderthals aren't any better. Get out."

Seeing the bully get kicked in the balls is small consolation for being dumped by Annabelle and humiliated in front of a large crowd.


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