Tell the truth and admit that Annabelle is in here with you

From Create Your Own Story

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"No, I'm not alone," you say in a small voice. "There's a nurse in here with me."

"I knew it," he sneers. "Now lead me to her. Follow my orders, and you get to live."

Trembling with fear, you lead the gunman to Annabelle's office. She looks up in surprise as you are shoved in. The intruder marches in behind you, smirking.

"Stephen hired you, didn't he," says Annabelle. Her voice is calm, but even she can't hide her fear.

"That's right," the gunman snickers. "I do any job as long as the money's right. He wanted revenge on you two, he's going to get it, and I'm going to get my money."

"Why, that little..." Ana growls. "I'm going to kill him."

"You won't get the chance." The man suddenly shoots Annabelle in the head and she slumps back in her chair, her dead eyes staring up at the ceiling.

You quiver as the thug advances on you. He suddenly swings his pistol, knocking you out.

- - -

You wake up with a throbbing headache. Trying to reach for your painful head, you discover that your hands are cuffed behind your back, and that you are moving. Looking around, you realize that you're in the back seat of a police car. Two cops are up front. "What's going on?" you say.

The policeman in the passenger seat turns around. "Oh, you're awake. What's going on? Nothing much. You're just under arrest for murder, that's all."

"WHAT?! Who...I didn't..."

"The murder of Annabelle Almoite, the nurse who worked with you. We found her dead in her office, and you with a gun in one hand and her purse in the other. You were stealing from her, she caught you, so you murdered her. On your way out, you tripped and knocked yourself out."

"WHAT! NO! I'm innocent! There was a big guy with a gun..."

"Yeah, sure there was," says the policeman sarcastically. "You have the right to remain silent, and I suggest you use it. We get tired of crooks whining that they're innocent."

With the evidence and the might of the (in)justice system stacked against you, you have no chance. Your public defender is useless. You are convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life without parole. At your sentencing, you see Stephen in the audience, sneering with triumph. The little shit has gotten his revenge on you and Annabelle.

The rest of your life consists of being buttraped by the bigger, more muscular prisoners day in and day out.


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