Lie and claim to be an experienced shooter

From Create Your Own Story

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"Of course I'm experienced with weapons," you lie cockily. "I'm a guy."

Annabelle's high-cheekboned face is expressionless as she sets up a paper target about halfway down the lane. She hands you the pistol. "Go ahead then."

You take the weapon and aim it at the target, trying to imitate actors you've seen in movies. Maybe you can bluff your way through this. You pull the trigger.


Uh-oh. What the...

"It kind of works better with the safety off," says the sexy nurse. She flicks a switch on the gun.

"Uh...yeah. I knew that," you say. You take aim again and pull the trigger once more.


The combination of your improper grip, the large-caliber weapon's heavy recoil, and your weak, girly wrists causes the pistol to jump as it fires and strike you right in the face. With a cry of pain, you drop it, but Annabelle, showing impressive reflexes, catches the gun in midair with one hand before it can hit the floor. She looks at you icily.

"You have no idea what you're doing, do you."

You nod, hanging your head in shame.

"Not only did you lie in a lame attempt to impress me, you just put yourself, me, and everyone else here in danger," she scolds. "Congratulations, you've just dropped your chance of scoring with me from very little to absolute zero. Oh, and you're also fired. However, I'll give you a little parting gift to remember me by." With that, she takes aim at the target and fires nine shots, emptying the magazine. She flips the switch to bring the target back. There are nine holes in the bullseye, and no other holes, since of course your shot missed the target completely. She swiftly and expertly ejects the empty magazine and slaps in a fresh one.

"That's how it's done. Now go."

You take the walk of shame towards the exit, aware that everyone there is staring at you and knowing that they've all heard the stiff lecture you've been given like a naughty schoolboy because they've taken off their ear protection. The other women have particularly nasty smirks on their pretty faces.

You sigh as you enter your small, cheap, shitty studio apartment. At least you got to see sexy, badass Annabelle in action with her gun. You'll have something good to masturbate to tonight.


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