TPM: Investigate the consoles

From Create Your Own Story

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You walk up to one of the consoles and begin studying it. The style seems ancient but you spent a long time studying ancient technology and artifacts in the Jedi library. You fumble around for a bit before happening on the droid schematic files for the adjacent production pods. In a moment of devilish inspiration you decide to create a new droid model. You guide Zuli into standing in front of the console's scanner, and after a few tweaks to the schematic itself and the droid's foundational AI programming, you select the option to create 1 model and hit "Build."

There is some loud noise as the left production pod answers your command. In a few moments the pod opens, and the sexiest droid you have ever seen steps out. It's durasteel figure is a copy of Zuliana's own figure, but the similarities end there. The droid is covered in a coat of red paint with gold trim. Her face, while metallic, has a pair of lips made from something that appears to be synthflesh. It's tits may have been only stiff, inanimate red lumps with gold nipples and areolas with a gold ring around the base of each, but they are perfectly formed and you feel yourself being turned on by this gorgeous droid. You never thought you'd feel like this about a machine. Looking down, you see the droid's curvaceous body descend into an hourglass waist with a huge, metallic ass just like Zuli's bubble butt, only stiff and rigid. You also see the pussy.

The female droid's pussy is the only soft part of her entire body besides her lips, seeming to be made of a synthflesh-type material. It is still bright red though, and you have no doubt it's as soft on the inside as it looks on the outside.

"Unit 491XXX reporting for fucking." The droid says in a sultry, simulated voice.

TPM: Take your latest toy for a "test drive"
TPM: Ask about the droid's combat capabilities
TPM: Ask the droid about the moon
TPM: Lead the way out of the watchtower

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Obi-Wan Kenobi
The Phantom Menace

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