TPM: I'm not done yet: Missionary

From Create Your Own Story

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You guide Zuliana to the nearest quarters and gently push her back onto the bed. She smiles at you and giggles as you clamber on after her, shedding your clothes beforehand. Your lips meet in a surprisingly passionate kiss and you feel her tongue tease yours as you push her down onto the bed with your body weight. You reach down and guide your dick into her tight, wet snatch, using your Force empathy to savor the bolt of pleasure that rockets up her spine to her brain and enjoying the sensation of her moaning into your mouth. You begin to thrust as you make out with her, feeling your cock sliding in and out far more easily now. Your hands fondle and tease her perfect round breasts and her body writhes beneath you as the sensations she is experiencing cause her to squirm, twitch and convulse involuntarily.

You raise yourself up off of her by placing your hands on the bed on either side of her head. She follows you up halfway, her lips sticking to yours as if she wants to stay attached to you at all costs, but she realizes what you want and drops back to the bed, smiling at you with her mouth and her beautiful, gorgeous eyes. You now have a clear view of her magnificent tits, smooth blue belly, and beautiful face. You start to increase your pace, and she wraps her legs around your waist, pulling you deeper into her and gasping with ecstasy when the remaining 2 inches sinks into her. You feel the head of your cock making full contact with her cervix on every in stroke and you can't help but feel elated. You've had sexual fantasies about something like this for so long, but you've always bottled up those feelings and now they come rushing out in a flood of passion and pleasure. You speed up and watch as Zuliana's gorgeous round tits bounce and her head falls back on the sheets. Your eyes remain transfixed on her lovely breasts as they bounce, as if you are hypnotized by their movement.

You redouble your efforts and begin to once again mercilessly pound that soft, tight blue pussy, watching as her tits move from bouncing to jiggling. You feel your cock beginning to swell and realize Zuli does too when she says:

"O yes masta! More cum! Please fill me! Ohhhhhhhh!"

Your eyes drop to her belly as you feel the load race up your cock, you drive yourself deep, bursting into her womb, causing her to gasp with surprise. You feel the hot spunk explode out of you directly into her womb, and you involuntarily throw your head and torso back as your eyes roll back in your head and you release a gasp of sheer bliss. Zuli's vagina tightens around you, squeezing out every bit of cum like toothpaste out of a tube as she climaxes.

"Oh yeeeessss masta!" She screams. "Right in Zuli's belly! Yes cum in Zuli's belly masta! OOOOHHHHHH YES!"

You collapse on top of her, feeling her breasts pressed tight against your pecs. She wraps her arms around you.

"Zuli love masta. Zuli thank masta for saving her from hutt. Zuli want to stay with masta forever, have masta's younglings."

You raise yourself up in mild shock.

"Zuliana, you desire...children? With me?"

Her smile and the genuine, innocent love in her eyes gives as much truth to her answer as the lack of ripples in the Force when she speaks.

"Yes masta. Zuli wants masta's children, will raise them to be like masta, will serve masta every day of Zuli's life."

Overwhelmed with emotion, you manage to keep yourself in check on the outside, and lean in to kiss her. "Very well Zuli." You say as you pull back. "You are mine now, completely, until death." The smile on the young Twi'Lek's lovely face makes your heart burn with newly freed passion.

"And Zuli will have masta's children?"

"Many children." You smile as her eyes light up.

"Oh thank you masta! Thank you!" The young woman embraces you in a surprisingly strong hug. You place you hand on her belly, causing her to look down at it. You open yourself up to the Force and with a strange, rapturous joy, feel the spark of life ignite into a small flame. The veil obscuring the future pulls back for but a moment, and you see your child. You remove your hand from Zuli's belly and look into her eyes with a smile.

"We have a son."

Zuli's smile gets even bigger and a desperate hope and intense joy enters her voice.

"Really masta? For truly?"

"Truly." You affirm.

A look of pure bliss comes over the lovely Twi'lek's face and she falls back onto the bed, resting her hands on her smooth, sexy belly. "Masta has given Zuli great gift. Zuli will not forget."

"One thing Zuli." You say. She looks up at you with a goofy, happy smile.

"Yes masta?"

"It's Master."

"Mast-er?" She says expectantly. The sound sounds strange coming out of her mouth, but you recognize the potential there. She can be taught to speak proper Basic, it will merely take patience and time.

"Yes. That's right." You encourage her.

"I will not forget, Master." She says, more confident in her pronunciation.

TPM: Time for pillow talk! (More sex)
TPM: Time to plan your next move. (advance the plot)

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Anakin Skywalker
The Phantom Menace

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