You maneuver towards Zales

From Create Your Own Story

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You wander over to Zales. A tall, elegant woman you estimate to be in her early 30's is talking animatedly on her cell phone.

"...and he just doesn't do it for me. Oh, I appreciate the money, but he's so damn old. I need some young, fresh meat in my bed."

You look up and catch her eye. She quickly ends the call.

"Well, hello there, youngster," she purrs. "I'm Monique."

You introduce yourself as you admire Monique's well-kept body, pert and firm breasts, and very long legs. She smiles at you like a hawk eyeing a mouse.

"Want some company?" you inquire.

Monique locks her grip onto your arm. "I insist. Do you have a place of your own, or should I take you to my hideaway?"

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