ROTS/Vader: Seduced by the Dark Side

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Master Shaak Ti collapses back onto the bed as her red chest rises and falls with her heavy breathing. At first she has a dazed smile on her face as the warm afterglow of your harsh sex continues to wash over her mind, but her joy quickly begins to fade and you can see that there is a flash of horror in her eyes once she realizes what she had done. Your mouth curls into a cruel smile as you watch her look down at her naked body, your mind racing from the feeling of domination. Your intense strength in the dark side of the force had overridden the Master's thoughts and unlocked something deeply primal in the Togruta Jedi. For a moment you reach for your Lightsaber to end this but as you continue to watch her you get a sudden inspiration. These feelings that were coursing through her mind were not unlike the confusion you felt when you fell to the could use this.

You step forward and the Jedi Master recoils a bit, searching herself for remnants strength, which she does not find. She wants to fight you but it's already obvious that her body has given in, and the only thing left to do is to break her weak mind and spirit.

"Get away from me Vader..." She mumbles pitifully, unable to look away from the entrancing darkness in your eyes.

"The Jedi are falling tonight one way or another Shaak Ti. You've already had a taste of the dark side and found it pleasurable. If you let it overtake you, if you sink into it, you will find more power than you can ever imagine. Look at what I was able to do to you..."

You approach her again but now she has nowhere else to run. You pounce on her again, invading her personal space, forcing her to drink in your power which radiated in the air around you. The Dark Side is beginning to cloud her mind once again but the skilled Jedi Master still tries to block it out.

"No... You'll have to kill me, I'll never giv-" You cut her off before she can lie to herself, you kiss her deeply on the lips even as she tries to resist you. She puts up a good fight but you can feel her will beginning to crumble underneath the lust bred by years of detachment and a forced sexual awakening tonight. The Dark Side flows into her with every touch of your tongue and lips, her body begins to crave more, her mind forgets the years of training and opens up to its intoxicating power. Soon she stops fighting the kiss and even begins to enjoy it. She moans into your lips and you know that Shaak Ti has fallen. You break the kiss suddenly leaving her wanting more. She stares up at you and you can see the mix of lust and anger as you dismount from the bed. She bows her head to you.

"...I surrender myself to you... Master." Shaak Ti says, totally entranced by the Dark Side now. You look down at her and close your eyes, searching your feelings on what to say. A word appears in your mind, one that you suspect would have some importance to her in the years to come.

"Rise... Darth Brood," you command. She does so slowly, allowing you to drink in the sight of her sweaty and muscular body. Your first secret apprentice from your Master Sideous. You will hide her for now, keep her out of the troopers' way, and then she will be a great tool in taking over the galaxy and sedating your ever growing lust.

Brood smiles at you darkly.

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Darth Vader
Revenge of the Sith

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