Convince Sven it was all a misunderstanding

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:59, 25 October 2016 by Wtfismook (Talk | contribs)

Despite his reputation for being a ripped jock bully, you surmise that Sven is susceptible to reason and so the obvious course of action is to reason with him.

As calm as a cucumber, you ask Sven, "what seems to be the trouble, big guy?"

"You fondled Yuri, I have to protect her!" Sven exclaims, his grip around your neck tightening.

"Now hold on there big guy. What happened this morning was all a misunderstanding, grossly exaggerated by rumors. Were you there this morning? I fell and accidentally pulled down her pants while trying to get a hold of something, that's all." you explain.

Sven's grip tightens. "Heard you not only pulled off her pants, you started licking her breasts and fondling her pussy! You bastard! how could you?"

"Now, I fell down and she helped me up. Of course i'd brush up against her chest while she was helping me up. What you heard was just mean rumors. Did she tell you what happened herself?"

Sven's grip softens and he places you on the ground. "No she didn't give much details, just that her pants got pulled down by you while she was in a game."

You chuckle (internally) at how simple and gullible this meat head is.

"Well, don't you think you should be asking your girlfriend about these details and not relying on rumors? I thought you knew better big guy!"

Sven releases his now softened death grip on you, and walks away mumbling "Sorry..." in his usual big oafish fashion.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see Yuri, the redheaded basketball girl hiding behind the corner perhaps seeing how her "boyfriend" would deal with the situation.

You instinctively push her against the wall to prevent her escape. Yuri looks startled but not completely against this idea.

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12th Grade Boy
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