D&D: MHW : Head directly for Arahel's tower

From Create Your Own Story

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You hit the street and hurry back to your master's tower. You reach secluded building and enter it's battered door before closing it behind you. Well you did complete your errand...

You take a deep breath and climb up the stairs to your master's study. You gently knock and hear your master's warm voice:"Enter."

You steps inside and find your masters as you left her. She is sitting on a desk, writing down arcane formulae on a piece of vellum. You raises your eyes so as to not look at her outfit too much.

"Oh !.. it has arrived!.." she exclaim herself joyfully.

"hrm yes... I picked it up from your friend's aprentice..." you explain. You omit to tell her about the part of the curse though...

"Good good!.. " she motion you closer and you set the box on the table. She pushes her work aside and bring the box closer to her before opening it. You hold your breath a little, wondering what she will do.

"Hrm... these don't look as elegant as I asked her to make them..." the redhaired master exclaim herself before pulling the bracelet out of their sockets and examining them. "Still, she didn't miss out on the magic part."

You see her incant a spell of detect magic and see her eyes glows as she examine the bracelet's aura. You sigh, figuring she'l figure out about the curse. To your surprises :"yep. these are perfect."

You look at her dumbfounded. How can a master not see the curse an aprentice found ?!.... then you remmeber sarah examined them as well and didn't see anything wrong with it either... perhaps the enchantement is devious enough that woman cannot percieve it correctly ?...

You bite your lips and decide to move things along :"Th..there was a message too... She said she wanted you to try them on to make sure they fitted."

Your redhair master look at you :"oh ? hrm.. allright then. I'l have to send you back to give her the feedback though." she smile teasingly as you figured she just used that to give you something to do.

You eagerly watch as your sexy master puts on the bracelet around her wrist and lock them in place...

The bracelet are small, elegant and decorated and fit perfectly around your master's wrist. Although they feel a bit off in style with her current outfit. As soon as she puts the other one on though, she suddenly look at the bracer with a strange eyes before dropping her arm and looking at you, or well directly in front of her.

You can't believe it.. your master fell for it.

"Master Arahel?" you call out softly.

Your master look up at you with a drone-like expression.

"yes ?" she asks­.

This is just like with sarah... You bite your lips... this is pretty bad.. but you can't believe your luck... The right thing to do would be to free her immedietly. These bracelet are dangerous... Still...

It's not everyday you'l get your master to do anything you want...

D&D: MHW : Leave them on Arahel for now

D&D: MHW : Have your master take them off before explaining to her

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