Sierra claiming you'll tell her secret

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to dial Sierra, your best friend's sister. She's always been really shy and kind of quiet, but now that you know her secret sex fiend tendencies, you can take ad vantage of it.

You press call and she picks up after the first ring. "Hi, there." she announces. "Would you like to come over and share a blanket?", you ask. "No, I'm playing a game. You're welcome to join but I'd like to finish if it all possible."

Time to force her. "A game? But what about us? I was thinking about how wonderful you are and I want to go out and tell the world." She gasps in shock "You wouldn't. You promised! This isn't fair!" You smile a devilish grin "Don't keep me waiting. I'm not sure I can keep this feeling to myself for much longer."

You abruptly hang up. There's no way she won't be over here in an instant. Now do you:

Just casually wait

Hide somewhere and pounce on her arrival

Make nice and try to find a game she'd like

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