Don't risk it. change out of the clothes.

From Create Your Own Story

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Claire offers you a rain jacket from the closet, and you step into the bathroom to change. It's hard to get your head around what you've seen, what you've done, but you're starting to get the mentality that if you're going to survive this, you're going to have to toughen up. You drape your wet clothes across a towel rack in the bathroom, then take a second to look at yourself at in the mirror. You reach up and push your wet hair back, and notice a few specks of blood on your chin. Must have been from the woman. You hurriedly wash it with soap and water, check the area again in fear of someone getting the infection, then turn and head out of the bathroom.

Claire is already changed, her wet clothes over the top of the closet door. She's huddled up in the chair behind the desk, tapping a small laptop that sits atop it. "You should see this," she says.

You step around behind her, and amazingly, the laptop still has power. "How's that possible?" You ask, pointing to the laptop. "Power is out everywhere."

"Battery charge, duh," Claire says. She points to the screen, where an email is open, with a wall of text. "It's an email from the local transit authority, advising that the trains are going to stop running, and that everyone is to be sent to a shelter on 9th street immediately."

"Say anything about the virus?" You ask, leaning over to scan the letters.

"Not really. Warns of some sort of unknown attack in the city, warns against causing panic, yadda yadda yadda." She says. "What kind of shelter would they have on 9th street?"

"There's not a lot down that way. Old buildings for lease, that pizza place-"

"Sal's," she says with a sigh. "Love that place. God, I could go for a slice right now."

"You and me both." You sit on the edge of the desk and try to think of what could be on that street that could be used as a shelter. There's hardly anything down that way, in the older section of town where the buildings are falling apart.

"We should probably just get some rest here," Claire says, turning to you. "Head out in the daylight. Maybe the weather will have let up."

"Yeah," you say. "Maybe. But if we're taking the train tunnels then daylight and weather won't really matter."

"Up to you," she says. "But I'm pretty tired."

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