Ask her to wait here while you sneak out to check

From Create Your Own Story

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Despite her protests at you going it alone, you convince Melanie to lock the door behind you while you sneak out to see what's going on. She gives you a long kiss, despite you both having awful morning breath, and a hug she doesn't seem to want to let you out of. You swear you'll be back safely, and sneak out the door.

You creep down the hallway, using the dark to your advantage. You're in no hurry, and you make sure each step is soundless. When you get to the doorway into the lobby, you press your back against the wall to offer as little target as you can, and peak around. There, to your amazement, are three soldiers, perfectly healthy from the looks of it, armed heavily. You slink back into the shadows, take a deep breath, and wonder if you should try to make yourself known. You hear a voice come over the radio, and though you can't make out what's said, you do hear the soldier's reply: "Doesn't seem to be any survivors here sir. We're returning to HQ shortly."

You realize they're not a threat. Still, you don't jump out at them. You call out softly. "There are two of us alive here. Please don't shoot." You can hear them swing their weapons around, equipment jostling as they startle to action.

"Step out from the doorway," they call. "Slowly." You do as your told, raising your hands. As soon as you do, the men look you over, and then you all breathe a sigh of relief. "Thank god you're not one of them," one calls out.

Within an hour, you're whisked back to their camp. It's a large military tent city built in the stadium at the local university. Surrounded by razor wire, and protected by at least a hundred armed men and a dozen tanks, the site is impressive as it is foreboding. As you step off the truck, Melanie grips your hand tightly, smiling. The two of you are separated into male and female quarantine areas, and undergo a thorough check up before you're given fresh clothing and sent out into the camp with instructions on getting some chow and getting assigned a tent to stay in. Waiting for you just outside the tent is Melanie, dressed in army fatigues, with a huge smile on her face. She opens her arms to greet you, and you take her up in the warmest hug you can remember ever receiving.

The two of you make a life for yourself in the camp. You both find happiness and love in one another, and have survived the end of the world together.

Congratulations. Not only have you survived, but you've got the girl!

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