You climb onto the rubber raft

From Create Your Own Story

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Status: Naked & Sexy

You swim for a long time, then you suddenly feel the need for a rest. You have gone far enough out that swimming back to the beach would take too long. Instead, you swim over to the abandoned rubber raft and climb aboard.

The raft is small enough for you and you alone to fit. When you lay on your back, your head rests against the side of the raft, and your feet are in the air. It has an inch or so of water in the bottom, and it smells like rubber, not surprisingly. However, it is comfortable enough for what you have in mind. You rest your head against the 'hull' of the raft and close your eyes.

You intend only to take a short rest, but you very swiftly fall asleep. You sleep deeply for quite a while.

You awake with a start. You sit up and look around. It takes you a moment or two to remember where you are. Now, you are starting to grow concerned. You can't see the beach anymore. In fact, you can't see land anywhere at all. Nothing but empty ocean. You can't even see that clearly because it is very dark out here, except for the light of the moon and illumination shining on the surface of the water.

You briefly panic, but then regain control of yourself. You wonder if you can paddle somewhere, then realize you have no idea which direction you want to go. Where are you? How do you get back? And what do you do about food, water, and clothing until you do return to safety? And did anyone see you climb into the raft? Did they see it drift away from the shore? Do they know you are missinng?

While you struggle with these thoughts, the raft continues to drift. You have no idea where it is going, but can't do much about it. You anxiously peer over the sides, trying to will something to appear on the surface of the ocean.

You drift like this for quite a long time. In fact, it is getting towards dawn when something finally happens.

What happens?:

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