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Eternally, Victoria, Elizabeth

Victoria & Elizabeth

Two twin sisters born joined at the wrists, Elizabeth's left wrist attached to Victoria's right wrist. The parents,

superstitious and simple minded, saw all of these conditions as bad omens or curses. They immediately slashed apart

the sisters, a cut of fate that brought with it such dark and wondrous repercussions, unbeknownst to any of them at

the time. The left hand sister, Elizabeth, was cast out into the night, abandoned to the creatures of darkness with

which her parents assumed she belonged. Their hopes would that she would be eaten alive by the dark ones, an

aberration wiped away, never to be worried about again. Instead, the dark ones took pity on her and took her in,

annointing her as one of their own and raising her up as a symolic figure, born out of the same oppression and

discrimination they had so long endured. Meanwhile the right hand sister, Victoria, was raised by her superstitious

and strict parents to be a paragon of their twisted ideas of virtue and righteousness. In the end she was just as

oppressed and repressed as her sister who had been cast out. Ever since that first cut she felt the world turned

against her, taking from her. She felt the need to strike back, to grow strong and fight to take back what had been

stolen from her, despite not fully understanding the magnitude of such things. She was taken to the temple that

ruled over her village to be trained from an early age as a holy warrior, a protector, a hunter and a keeper of

life. In truth, she was programmed to be just as much a taker of life as a keeper of it. She was taught that in

order to save and keep the lives of those deemed important she must subdue and take the lives of those deemed vile

and wicked. She was trained in mystical arts designed to combat the dark ones, and given many techniques, abilities,

and tools to use against them, as follows.

~Practical Armaments~

Virulence & Virility

The twin blades of life. These two bastard swords of silver and iron are meant to be used together as sisters of

battle. They present an ironic image of the potential that the two sisters could have had if they had both been

cherished and nurtured, raised to work together to better the world. They are takers of one sort of life intended to

preserve another sort of life. From an early age Victoria was trained to perceive them as extensions of her own body

and soul, and thus they are as much a part of her as her limbs and senses.

The Many Lights

Small throwing daggers carved from diamond, shaped similar to kunai only the blades are incredibly flat and the

handles are small, meant to be wielded between fingers several at a time. They are meant to be easily kept, held,

and used. They are plentious and easily retrievable after use, making their supply seem almost infinite. When used

properly their piercing power is dauntless, and their enchantments cause them to set into creatures of the night,

burning and agitating their wounds with an almost acidic effect.

Water of Life

Exatracted through sacred rituals from Victoria's "life giving maw" and distilled into bottles that can be opened or

shattered on impact. Ironically, this water is deadly to the creatures of darkness and their kin, and can be used to

subdue them to various degrees. This water can serve as a counter and an antidote to noxious toxins emited creatures

of darkness. The mere scent of this water can cause weaker creatures of darkness to submit and fall into a trance or

even a coma.

Ceremonial Reaver

A curved, axe-like blade attached to a short handle. It is an ancient artifact said to be only truly effective

against ancient beings of ages past. It is told that it can put to rest the lingering souls of ancient deities and

rulers, but its effects have yet to be tested in such circumstances. As a weapon itself its ancient status leaves it

somewhat brittle and decayed, so it is best held and kept safe, only to be used if the proper circumstance should

demand its necessity.

Sacred Wings

Two wing-like blades crossed together. They can be thrown as a whole or detached and thrown separately. Either way,

they never stray far from their weilder, like enchanted boomerangs. Though they are small they are quick and

versatile, and the faster they are thrown the faster they will return, allowing them to be used repeatedly as

needed. Supossedly under the right circumstances they could flourish and be used to allow their weilder to leap or

even glide, but such feats have never been seen throughout their years of use.

Solar Prism

A philosopher's stone imbued with an undying sunbeam. When thrown it leaves thin trails of sunlight that act as

deadly beams or wires to creatures of darkness. It can effortlessly tear through the flesh of a dark creature if it

makes contact, but its strategic value lies in rebounding it off of surrounding terrain and structures in order to

create a network hazards for any attacking creatures of darkness.

Lunar Dial

A mysterious and somewhat unfathomable circular stone encrusted with gems that mimic the face of a clock. It is said

that it can "turn the tide" in the grand battle between light and dark, but it is unknown exactly how or when this

can come about. Its effects have been observed in small scale against minor dark creatures, and it seems to divert

the energy of the moon and/or the night away from them and toward any holy warrior who is present. It could very

well become the most important tool in Victoria's repretoire, or perhaps it is mostly useless and better set aside

in favor of other more simply and directly effective armaments.

Virgin Heat

The burning essence of purity that was drawn out of Victoria through a sacred ritual. She can command it at will in

order to protect her from various potential violations and degradations. Its purity is said to be capable of

captivating certain creatures of darkness, rendering them helpless and docile, perhaps even rehabilitating them.

Unfortunately it is very difficult for Victoria to properly manifest it and, often, it seems to act of its own

accord, limiting its potential as a mediator between the forces of light and dark.

~Mystical Potentials~

Purging Swath

A simple blast of holy flame, meant to subdue and obliterate any dark threat in its path. Simple to use, with

consistent results.

Calming Frost

A burst of icy mist that spreads in all directions, subduing any dark forces in its vicinity. The frozen targets can

be used as platforms and footholds before they thaw, allowing maneuverability through treacherous terrain.

Sparking Shock

Condensed electricity that can tear through even the sturdiest of foes. It is polarized to seek out the denizens of

darkness and rend them apart with striking efficiency. While rather volatile, when used correctly it can be

devastating beyond measure.

Life from Death

Utilizing this technique, Victoria can draw out the essence of a foe's energy and convert it from its foul state

into vital life force, healing her wounds and boosting her overall condition. There can be some side effects,

dependent on what creature has be siphoned from.

~Blessed Armor~

Sacred Crystal Greaves

These are forged from a rare holy crystal said to be able to withstand anything and cut through even the thickest of

darknesses. They are surprisingly lightweight, allowing the wearer to be as agile as needed. They are meant mainly

for defense but they have some offensive potential if the right situation presents itself.

Harness of Purity

This armor is designed mainly to protect the pelvic girdle from all sorts of violations. Unfortunately it has some

weak spots for the sake of flexibility, but for the most part it serves as a sturdy defense against some of the more

vile attacks from creatures of darkness.

Virtuous Corset

A blessed cloth girdle wrapped about the vital organs. Its purpose is to support and protect while allowing maximum

maneuverability. There is an added dual breastplate forged out of the same holy crystal the Sacred Crystal Greaves

are made of.

Merciful Gauntlets

These are designed from blessed cloth and leather to adorn the warrior's arms, allowing for protection and

flexibility. They are named as such because it is believed that every slaying of a dark one is an act of mercy.

Circlet of Valor

This thin circlet, adorned with holy crystal, rests upon the warrior's head. It is said to ward off evil influences,

but it is also sturdy enough to actually protect from physical blows to the head. With it, Victoria may be capable

of focusing her thoughts and will into form, though that is just a theory.

~The Dark Ones~

They are known by many names. Creatures of darkness, vile fiends, anathema. In the end they are merely what self-

righteous humans have grown to despise. Above them all is the one who was born human yet "cursed" toward the

darkness, Elizabeth. In her exile she has survived and gathered many allies from the shadows who have helped her as

she has helped them. Together they form the collective that threatens to overturn human society and strike a new


Mollie And Pollie

Mother and daughter feral wolf women. They were hunting for human flesh when they came across the abandoned

Elizabeth. Seeing the darkness in her eyes and the scarlet scar on her left wrist, they identified her as a kindred

spirit and took her in. The mother treated her as her own, and the daughter sparred and bonded with her as if they

had been twins. Through some strange occurence one night during a sparring match between Elizabeth and the cub,

Elizabeth's scar was struck open, and the cub's blood was poured upon it. The mother and cub expected that this

would turn Elizabeth into a werewolf but, instead, it seemed to trigger a different reaction, turning her into a

thing not unlike what one would call a vampire. The two saw this as a sign and from then on worshipped Elizabeth as

their Mistress, to guide them through their wretched lot in life. This spurred Elizabeth onward to find others, more

creatures of darkness, and so she began amassing her people.

Katherina The Wingblade

A strange creature hiding in the shadows, preying on what it could with its awkward appearance and anatomy. She is

something akin to a bat woman, basically, but her wings are made of several razor sharp prehensile blades that can

twist and cut and even give flight. She encountered Elizabeth with Mollie and Pollie on one of their hunts and they

immediately made peace and shared what they had scavenged.


A serpentine creature with a rather peculiar way of reproducing. She injects an essence of herself into a human

host, and that host then becomes a sort of living egg during the gestation process, providing the growing spawn with

nutrition and the best of its DNA. This is the only way she can reproduce, and so she continues to do so. She

disguises herself and travels to small villages, infiltrating them, posing as a fortune teller. She uses her

hypnotic powers to lure her prey into a submissive state, then uses her tale to inject her essence into the host.

The host lives as a vegetable throughout the gestation process, aware of what is happening but paralyzed and unable

to do anything but be nutrition for the new life within it. Elizabeth came across her and proposed to help her by

capturing hosts for her to impregnate. She was more than delighted to leave the life of hiding and preying and live

as a free creature, following her natural processes as they come about.

Ancient Astral Ashen Sisters

Twin goddesses that walked the earth and one time ruled over vast kingdoms, beloved by their people. Though not

quite immortal, they had impressive life spans. Nevertheless, they eventually succumbed to the touch of death. As

they were dying a ritual was carried out. Their bodies were lit ablaze, raging against the dying of the light, and

then they were laid into a huge sarcophagus, where they burned to ash to rest eternally together. Elizabeth felt the

lingering embers of their life force and discovered their sarcophagus. She removed the lid and set the ashen sisters

free, free again to roam the world they had once ruled. In gratitude, they pledged their loyalty to Elizabeth,

becoming her patron goddesses.

Patricia Patchwork

Elizabeth came across a raped and mutilated girl left for dead. At this point her dark arts had started to flourish,

and through a mixture of alchemy and sorcery, she patched the poor girl back together, using various enchantments

and techniques to change her into a giantess with unparalleled strength. She was somewhat numb to pain though wounds

would irritate her nonetheless. Elizabeth devised a formula to sustain Patricia and Patricia has been her loyal ally

ever since. She has a tiny companion mad of leftover parts, Patty, who never speaks but is energetic and playful and loyalty to Patricia.

The Grim Rapist

A most vile and despicable type, she exists solely to rob women and men alike of their purity and dignity. Her vile

genitals are unspeakable horrors formed to break the genitals of innocent people. A tensile prehensile phallus with

spines all about, ready to grind any vagina into a beefy mess of blood and pain. Underneath is a hole filled with

sharp fangs, ready to wrap around any vulnerable penis and tear it into a gory mess. She is rape incarnate, and her

lust is insatiable. Elizabeth has bonded most closely with her, the two of them having a deep understanding of each

other's sorrowful existences. She is fiercely loyal to Elizabeth, and will literally rape to death any threat that

stands against her.

Elizabeth, Left Hand Outcast, Darkest of Humans And Ruler of Denizens of The Abyss

Cast out of the human world to wander into obscurity and die away, Elizabeth had to choose between giving up on her

accursed life or rising against it. She survived against the odds and, after being taken in by denizens of the dark,

she flourished and grew from the lowest of outcasts to the very queen of the night. Through an unprecedented

accident previously mentioned she has gained vast dark powers; immortality, strength, charisma. She now seeks to

turn the world on its end and bring about a new age where the dark outcasts can flourish and thrive as the current

generations die out. Though she feels some remorse for the pain and heartache that must be a part of this

transition, she truly believes that it is the better way toward a better future for those who wish to live in peace.

~Elizabeth's Domain~

An obscure abandoned fortress that Elizabeth and her troupe came to find. It made for the perfect dwelling for them

to begin their machinations toward forging a greater world. Elizabeth's many dark friends inhabit various stations

of the domain, keeping watch and furthering her great dark work. This is the challenge that stands before Victoria,

the road toward her sister's redemption, if only she can find her way through the vast darkness ahead.

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