The Exhibitionist/Participate in a live TV-game show

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(And before anyone complains, please make sure you read Talk:The Exhibitionist/Participate in a live TV-game show first, then complain about whatever if you want)

You hand me a plane ticket.

I look it over, and see "Japan" written on it.

"Huh, you are sending me to Japan? Why? I mean, thanks, I have always wanted to go, but..."

You hand me another piece of paper after I cut off. Japanese characters 恐怖の原因 squiggle the top, and I look at you perplexed.

"It is a game show," you tell me.

I look at you puzzled. "But, I thought you were supposed to tell me how I..." I leave it at that.

"Just go."

I sigh, wondering why you would give me this.

I nod okay, pack, and fly over to Japan.

The Trip

"こんにちは," the assistant tells me when I arrive at the studio.

"Hello," I replied back, at least knowing she is saying hello. After another string of Japanese bursts forth in a sweet, high pitched voice, my only response was, "Umm, can you speak English?"

"Oh, yes. I can speak English good." She informed me.

"Okay. Sorry, I don't really know Japanese."

"So, why are you here? The show is in Japanese."

I hand her my entry acceptance form and wait.

"Oh, I don't know why they accepted a 外国人, a foreigner, but it is easy."

I waited. She continued looking at me. I waited a little longer for her to explain what is going on. Eventually, I gave up, and asked the question I was hoping she would answer.

"Sorry, I was not the one who tried to enter. Someone entered me."

"I do not understand. You do not wish to be here?" she asked.

"No, not like that. Someone asked me to come be on your show."

"Yes, you wrote in the form, and accepted, so you are on the show."

I shook my head. "That is not what I mean. I mean, I don't know what your show is."

"Oh," she said, pursing her lips. "So you not know what our show is? Yes?" I nodded. "I will tell you, but we must put on your clothes."

I looked at her, confused. "But, I have clothes."

"No," she informed me, shaking her head. "You must wear the clothes for the show."

"Oh, you mean I need to change into something special for the show?"

"Yes," she said, and beamed. It seemed odd, but maybe she was just happy we understood each other.

I followed her to the dressing room, and immediately stopped, my mouth hanging open. The room was filled with Japanese women in various states of dress, and I could figure out the outfit by seeing each step.

It was pink, so very pink. The bra was plain, same with the panties. I wasn't sure how I felt about wearing undergarments from someone else, but that was a different matter.

Next was a top, similar to a tube top, but with straps, and a pair of pink booty style shorts.

But that wasn't what made my mouth drop.

The final pieces of clothing appeared to be a ruffled, layered skirt that was entirely too puffy and a pink ruffled blouse. The very last piece was a white apron.

The outfit looked like something from some anime maid.

"Umm, is this what we wear?" I asked.

"Yes, you can wear it. This is the clothes for the show." She told me, looking at me with a puzzled expression.

"Okay, but...what is the show? What do we do? We don't clean or something do we?" I asked her, tring to figure out what the hell was going on.

"Why would you clean? You 競争します. Sorry, I don't know English 競争します." She said something to the other girls in the room and one piped up with a helpful, "compete". "You compete," she said, the word awkward on her lips.

"But, compete how?" I asked, still not getting the point.

"Oh, you do..." Again she turned to the other women and spoke to them rapidly in Japanese. Another woman helped her out. "You do different things, like afraid things, and if you lose, one part of your outfit comes off," she said.

"Wait, one part of my outfit?" I still couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Yes, you lose one, you take this off." She wagged her apron in the air. "You lose second, this needs to be off," she wagged her skirt. "You lose third you take this off," she said, holding her blouse between two finger. "You lose fourth..." I interrupted her, seeing where she was going.

"Yes, I understand. So each, challenge, right? They are a challenge?" She nodded her head. "So each time I lose a challenge, I take off an article of clothes. Until when?"

"Until you have no clothes." She told me, looking at me like I was dense.

"Oh." I couldn't think of any other response for a few seconds. "So..." I started, wondering what happened at the end. "What happens when I do not have any more clothes?"

"You lose." She said in a matter of fact tone.

"And when I lose, what happens?" I asked.

"Nothing. You lose, you go home."

"Oh." I said, understanding. "So, elimination by...what, nudity?" I laughed a little at that.

She nodded with a serious, "Yes".

"Okay." I turned back to the person who was helping me originally. "So, where can I get my clothes?"

"This way!" She said, bright and cheerful. "Your clothes are here." She brought me to an empty vanity with a stack of clothes. I started to take off what I was wearing and stopped, suddenly self conscious in front of all these other women.

"Is there a changing room I can get changed in?"

She gave me another puzzled look. "Why? You will take off your clothes in front of everyone."

I nodded, realizing her logic. I wanted to kick my master for sending me here without telling me what was going on, but after thinking about it for a second, I realized I shouldn't be surprised.

But in a foreign country, in front of all these people? Wait, there will be cameras. Are they going to record me?

Suddenly I found myself hyperventilating. Shit.

I sat down, forcing myself to breath, and started taking off my clothes. Out of the corner of my eye, I kept noticing some of the other women glancing at me, then quickly facing forward.

I finally understood when the hostess casually mentioned in that happy, perky way of hers, "You have beautiful skin."

I was taken aback. "But, you are prettier than I am!"

She shook her head no. "No, you are much prettier." This time, she didn't sound as happy and perky. She actually sounded a little jealous.

I shook my head and continued to get undress, then put on this strange outfit.

"So, what are the challenges?"

"Oh," she said, "You do not know."

I waited for her to go on, and when she didn't, finally said, "No, I don't know. Can you tell me?"

"Oh, they are different. Some is eating something. Some is having something put on you. Some is compete against the other. Some is compete against 障害物." The other woman helpfully translated "Obstacle" for her.

"Yes," she said, nodding like that was that.

"So, how do I know what I am supposed to do?" I asked.

"The announce will tell you," she replied.

I stopped dressing, and just stared at her. Finally, I asked, "In what language?"

"Japanese," she said, nodding. Finally realization seemed to dawn on her. "Oh, you know English, not Japanese."

She thought, and puzzled. The smile on her face disappeared as her brows furrowed. Finally, she said a few things to the other women. One woman replied back, and she turned back to me.

"You can follow. It is easy. See others, and do like they." She nodded, simply answered.

I wondered how simple it really was.

The show

We lined up, and I was thankfully the last. I felt positively silly in this outfit, like I was dressed up for some strange Japanese anime costume party. I felt a little better since I was not the only one, but only just, given I was the only one that was not Japanese.

And taking off clothes on a game show? Yeah, I could not imagine anything like this in the US, where a nip slip on public TV created an outrage.

Butterflies danced in my stomach as I listened intently, wondering how I would know when I was up.

The announcer came over a speaker behind us and woman after woman went out, some stately, some bouncing, some nervously, but all putting on their best smile and waving at the crowd. And crowd it was. From my viewpoint, it seemed like there was a large audience, and I did not see a single empty seat.

It took a few to get to me, and I started to understand a little. Well, nothing, but I recognized a few names here and there as the announcer said "Tokyo" in a strange way, or "Okinawa". I didn't really understand anything else.

The crowd cheered for each woman, some getting more, some less, but not the rowdy cheering I expected from crowds in the US. No whistling or yelling or hooting, or whatever else. Just a few "Yay!"s, some Japanese がんばれ. The clapping was enthusiastic, but not overly loud or obnoxious. Polite.

Finally, my name was called, as well as my home state and city. At first, I didn't even recognize it, due to the strange pronunciation, and given a slight push by the hostess.

"It is your turn. Go." She said, not in an order, but in a kind voice.

I went out, and the claps and cheers that had been present for the other women were absent. I was greeted by a wall of silence. I tried to imitate what the other women had done, but awkwardly, wondering if I was doing something wrong. I froze, hand in the air, as the still silence continued to engulf the room.

My eyes darted frantically, trying to find some sign of what I should do next. My eyes locked on a young man, staring at me with his own mouth hanging open. I jerked my eyes away and finally spotted movement.

One of the women who was helping to translate waved frantically, pointing at the end of the line of women standing near a wall.

I went over, stumbling once but trying to look anything but how I felt: panicked.

As I started moving, the crowd started clapping and cheering, even more than they had for the other women. I tried to hide my face in embarrassment, but the audiences eyes, and the cameras, followed me, not even allowing me a moment to hide my face in shame. And I didn't even know what I had done wrong.

I stood next to the woman, who suddenly had a frosty expression on her face.

"Thank you," I whispered. She ignored me.

The Japanese announcer spoke again, and the women started moving to little podiums. I spotted the one with my name, that I had completely missed before, and walked over.

Before me was a screen, the show logo displayed on it. Not knowing what it was, I left it alone.

The first woman was asked something, and she pushed something, about where the screen was, on her podium. The crowd cheered, and walked out, around the podium, and to a glass box.

I wondered what it was for when she stepped in.

The crowd watched silently as she stood there, a man coming up next to it holding a box full of black things.

He poured the black things in and I almost screamed as I realized what the black things were.

Oh my god, they are pouring cockroaches on her! I thought to myself, knees quivering. "Afraid things" and "put something on you" popped into my head, the thing the hostess had said, and I realized what she meant. A stupid fucking fear factor! Oh, I was liking this less and less. I was going to kill my master once I got back.

She writhed around as the things crawled all over her, starting to squirm as they crawled all over her, crawled in her clothes, got stuck in her hair. Eventually, the woman had enough and ran out of the box, flailing around and brushing roaches off her.

Once she was composed, she went back to her podium and stood there stiffly.

The next woman went up, and it was repeated. I saw each, and realized that we all had to go through with it. I wanted to walk out right then, but knew that would violate my word.

Finally, it was my turn. I entered the box, and stood there, waiting for the inevitable. It happened all too quickly, and was over very quickly too.

Just the first roaches to touch me freaked me out, and I screamed. A couple of the other women had screamed, so at least I wasn't the only, just the last. I lasted no more than a few seconds before I could no longer take it, and ran out the door.

I got the bugs off me, lifting my blouse for one that had managed to get inside in such a short time, then walked over to the podium, trying to regain my composure.

The announcement came on, and I could see on the screen in front of me what looked like a time display. Mine was the worst. I heard more Japanese, then saw six of the women taking off their apron. Silence as the cameras all turned towards me, the audience's head swiveling towards me. I wondered why everyone was watching me when the hostess came over.

"Miss, you must take off apron,".

Oh shit. Lose, and you must take off one thing. I realized I was the first to loss. It seemed there was only one winner per round, too.

I reached around and untied the apron, pulling it over my head, and handed it to the Japanese announcer that was standing in front of me now.

One apron, one blouse. One skirt, one shorts. One top, one bra. One panties. Seven chances. Now six. As I counted, I also promised myself not to be so stupid the next time. I chuckled as I counted the number of women, seven. Seven choices, each one chooses the challenge. After mine, someone would more than likely be naked and eliminated. Not me. I growled inside.

The next woman selected something, and we were all brought to a table. Some strange food had been put in front of us. Some green ball. The woman who selected just watched, but others seemed very nervous.

The clock counted down and all the other women's hand hovered over it. The timer went off and they grabbed it, taking bites from it.

Seeing what they were doing, I shoved the whole thing in my mouth, chewing.

It was hot! Not heat hot, but spicy. A strange spicy, like horseradish. I spit it back out, looking at it. Realizing that the losers would need to remove something else, I put it back in my mouth. I didn't mind spicy, and loved horse radish, but eating a ball of this stuff, which I later found out was wasabi, was a little rough.

I tried to swallow, but the ball was dry, so it didn't work. Chew chew chew.

I got it down quickly, but sadly, just a bit behind the first woman.

The rest spit it out, realizing it was over, and I followed. After they started removing their top, I followed that too, now in a tube top with straps.

The announcer said something, and instead of going back to the podium, the women just moved around, talking to each other. The cameramen stood by, so I finally figured out we must be getting a break.

I tracked down the hostess and asked her how long.

"Five minutes," she informed me. Feeling a bit like an outcast, with all these Japanese women around, I just ducked behind the door and tried to hide for those few minutes. Sadly, it didn't work as the hostess pulled me back in the game show area, not forcefully, but insistent. "You must stay here." I decided to try to find out what happened when it got to my turn since she was already here, and no one else looked like they wanted to talk to me.

"They will show two choice. You pick the one to do." I wondered who chose the options once I grasped her meaning.

I noted the other women going back to their podium and went over. Again, all eyes were on me.

As I passed in front of her, one woman shot what looked like a jealous look. I worried about what I might have done to offend her, but could not think of anything, since I had not even spoken to her.

The next round appeared to be some sort of tight rope walk or something. Well, maybe not a tightrope, but some elevated plank.

I looked up and wondered how this was even allowed. It was so high up off the stage floor. It had a net of some sort, which I guess is what was supposed to catch you if you fell, but still, what if you miss the net?

The first two women crossed okay, while the one right before me fell, landing on the net and bouncing a little before landing again. Two men from the side of the stage helped her out and she went back to her spot.

My turn came, and I tried to do my best. I was not afraid of heights really, but I wasn't entirely comfortable with them either.

The plank looked okay from below, but once I got up there, looking down, it suddenly felt entirely too small.

I caught my breath, then went out, slowly at first, then quicker. I realized this is probably some timed event too, otherwise, how would one person win? I quickly put my feet heel to toe, heel to toe, then stepping. Almost a walk, then a walk, then faster.

As I got close to the end, I felt the air rush by me as a scream escaped me. It was cut short when I hit the net, and I realized in trying to go too fast, I had missed the plank completely on that last step.

I went back to the podium, looking at the ground. Next I guess would be the skirt.

Soon enough, there was a soft sound of zippers coming down, skirts being taken off, for most of us, a lucky two not having to remove theirs. I didn't hesitate long before joining in. I had figured out that much of this game show.

The announcer picked up the skirts, one blouse, and one apron. Now, most of us were down to a pair of booty shorts and a glorified tube top.

The next woman picked, and once I figured it out, I scratched my head. It didn't seem like a fear factor thing, but more like some gladiator battle. The woman who picked faced the first, and won. I finally figured out the objective, something like last person standing. We were on an elevated disk with padding around it, and given a puffy...something. Like a stick with huge pads on either end. The women continued to hit each other and push each other until one fell off. The second round was stopped short when one woman actually hit the other with her hand. She was made to get off and stand back at her podium.

I guess you can't actually hit each other with anything but the sticks, I thought to myself.

Soon it was my turn, and I was feeling pretty confident. These women were small, and I was bigger, so it should have been no contest. Unfortunately, that attitude doomed me. I shoved the stick at the other woman, trying to shove her straight off, and she stepped to the side. With a loud "wham", I felt her stick come down on my head, knocking me to the disk. I regained my feet and tried to sweep it around, low down, to catch her legs and trip her. Her stick caught mine, drug is up, and as it went above my head, she shoved hers right into my face. I fell backwards, toppling to the ground.

Another loss.

As I stood to the side, I noticed eyes on me again, instead of watching the two women still fighting.

The last woman remained, and everyone clapped. I found it disconcerting that many eyes remained on me all the while.

I took off my top, and was surprised when I heard clapping from the crowd, many of the clappers looking at me.

I stood there in my bra, barely covering me, with all these strange eyes on me.

The announcer said something, and the women started leaving their podiums, huddling in little groups or in pairs, talking.

"Another break?" I asked the hostess.

"Yes," she said. "Fifteen minutes."

"Okay." I hung around my podium, looking at the screen, yet feeling many sets of eyes on me. I was confused, why would they want to stare at me, when they had these pretty Japanese women? I just couldn't understand.

I was at a loss of what to do, since we were not allowed to leave, since no one was talking to me, and since I was standing here in my bra and a pair of booty shorts, feeling more than a little self conscious with all these foreign eyes on me.

The fifteen minutes felt like longer, then it was over, and we all went back to our podiums.

I had already lost my apron, my blouse, my skirt, my top. All I had left was shorts, bra, and panties. I was determined not to lose anything else.

The next was strange. We were lead to this small, walled area. The first woman stepped in and laid down after the announcer said something.

From the side, small, wiggling snake was put in. The woman screamed, scrambled up, and jumped out of the box. I looked at it in horror, realizing I would be in there.

The next woman was able to stay calmer, and laid there as the snake was added. Then another was added. Soon, she had snakes all around here. Her eyes shot open and I realized a snake had crawled inside her blouse. The woman with the most clothes left broke, and clambered out.

The one before me stayed for a long time, until she was pretty much covered in snakes. Eventually she got out. I shivered, not being able to imagine that. Sadly, I got to experience it next.

As I got in, I laid down and closed my eyes tight. I didn't want to see the snakes. The first touched my skin, and I could feel the scales rub against me. It didn't quite feel slimy, but almost. It was smooth, sort of alien like. Not cold, but not warm. I felt this sensation, and felt my skin crawl as it touched me.

Then, I was being touched in another spot. Then another. Soon, I had snakes all around me. My mind screamed at me to get out, but I was determined to win.

My determination broke as they started crawling over me, across my face, across my neck. I remembered the movie with the snake that squeezed people and ate them, and feeling one around my neck proved too much for my determination.

I jumped up and jumped out of the box, my breath in ragged pulls and my heart feeling like it would pound out of my chest.

After it was complete, my shorts joined many of the Japanese women, the winner of this round the woman before me, able to keep her shorts on.

By now, four of us were in nothing but our bra and panties. I had already felt somewhat exposed. Now, I felt even more so.

The next one was chosen, and we were brought to a wooden...thing. Like a cross, but in an X shape. Around the outside of it was a plastic bubble. I looked at it, puzzled what it was for, but also dreading that they would put bugs or snakes or something else that creeps and crawls in there with us.

The first woman was brought to the wooden thing, and her arms and legs were strapped to it, her arms spread to the side and up above her head, her legs spread out. A little box was put in her hand, and band put on her wrist, and something stuck to her chest, right over her heart, and the bag was zipped up.

A machine was set beside it and attached to the side of the bag.

Then it was turned on, a loud engine chugging along. I couldn't believe my eyes. The bag started shrinking, smaller and smaller, until the woman was surrounded, the plastic molding to her body. They pumped the air out of the bag. Soon, she was completely encased. This can't be legal, I thought to myself. They are suffocating her! I watched her writhe in it, trying to struggle in the bag that clung to her, molded against her. I watched her face turn red, then someone at the side unzipping it, unstrapping her hands and feet, and holding her up as she collapsed into his arms.

Sweat clung to her face, and she eventually pushed away from him, still unsteady on her feet, then walked over to the rest of us.

I was next. I started at it, and could not move. The announcer pushed my back slightly, and I stumbled a step and stopped. The hostess appeared at my side and whispered, "You go. Or do you give up and lose?" I shook my head no, I wouldn't lose, but fear of suffocating locked my legs in place. The announcer game me a harder push, and my feet were moving.

They strapped my arms and my legs to each side, then put the cold patch on my chest, a electronic bracelet on my wrist, and a little box with a big button in my hand. The hostess said, "Push if you want out," and they zipped the bag up.

I gasped for breath, knowing what was going to happen, and felt the bag start to close around me, wrapping too close around my skin, clinging to me. It felt worse than the snakes. It pulled inward, and I felt it grow tight against my chest. I took a few last desperate breaths and then it sealed around my face, around my mouth. I sucked, and no air came. I tried to take a breath, and none came. My lungs started to ache, my head started swimming, the world spinning, like I was dizzy. My lungs hurt more, and started to burn. My head no longer felt swimmy, but felt stuffed. Spots danced before my eyes, and I hit the button, wanting to get a sweet breath.

They unzipped it and unbuckled me from the wooden thing. I collapsed, breathing in deeply, air never tasting so sweet before.

The stage guy helped me up, helped support me, until my head stopped spinning and I was able to walk without him.

I walked over and stood next to the other women, watching the others take their turn, one already in before I had even recovered.

Again, The second to last woman appeared to have passed out, as two more people rushed in. They quickly unzipped her and checked her breathing, pressed the doctor's metal thing to listen to her heartbeat. They laid her down and put something under her nose. She woke up, and eventually was able to stand up with some help and join the rest of us.

The last woman entered, and eventually left, wobbly but awake. Again, the round ended, and I came out on the losing end.

I watched some of the other women remove their bra, breasts springing free, right in front of the crowd and cameras. I almost laughed hysterically. I had hoped it was a joke, and we would stop there. The announcer stood in front of me, waiting with his hand out to gather my next article of clothing.

I hesitantly removed my bra, exposing my breasts to all these strange people, feeling even more exposed in front of their exotic eyes.

They was a soft roar as people cheered, all eyes on me. They hadn't done that for the other women. I felt myself flush bright red.

A couple of the other women, the Japanese women, glared at me. I couldn't understand, I was doing the same thing they were, what I guess I was supposed to do.

Another announcement and suddenly it seemed to be break time. I shook my head, and asked the hostess how long.

"Oh, it eat time." She said, pointing towards a young man handing little white boxes to the other women. He brought mine, and sat there, holding it out, face down. I hesitantly took it from him and thanked him.

I sat down on the floor, opened the box to find rice, an egg, some green stuff, some brown stuff. I had no idea what this stuff was, but it did smell like food at least, and the other women were eating with their chopsticks.

The next challenge was the chopsticks. I was not given a fork, or spoon, but chopsticks. Sadly, I could not really use chopsticks.

I tried, getting a couple pieces of rice. I tried picking up the egg, and succeeded in dropping it on the floor. I looked at it and sighed. No egg for me, and all I recognized was the egg and the rice.

Eventually, I figured out I could just hold the box against my lips and use the chopsticks to shove food into my mouth. It was different. Okay, but nothing that special.

The entire time I ate, everyone else seemed to watch. I looked around, and met many eyes. Sometimes they looked me in the eyes, these Japanese men and women. Sometimes, they were definitely not looking at my eyes. I tried to figure out how to cover my breasts with my food and my legs, but it didn't work. Some people's view might be broken, but the entire crowd went in a half circle, meaning without holding my hands against my exposed breasts, there was no way I could hide from everyone.

I spent the entire time eating blushing furiously.

I studied the rest of the stage, the cameras, the other contestants. The other women sometimes shot me glares and scowls. The hostess remained smiling and chatty. Not with me right now, but with the other women, the announcer, the crowd.

I thought they stopped the cameras, but spotted seven more that I had not seen before. Studying the way they pointed, each seemed to be pointed at one of the women. Unlike the main camera, the guys at these continued pointing them at us. I finally figured out, each was recording one of the women the entire time.

This made me blush yet again, realizing even my "break" was recorded, even now with many of our tops exposed.

Finally finished with my food, later than most of the others, I finally stood up and tried approaching some of the other contestants. I was given a look that showed they were not interested in talking to me and gave up.

I noticed one guy waving me over. I went over to him.

"Hello," I told him.

"I like you breasts!" He told me in an overly enthusiastic voice.

My hands immediately went to them, covering the nipples and everything else as best I could.

I wanted to slap him, but didn't know if this was supposed to be something that was actually accepted in this culture. I looked away, saying "thanks" in embarrassment, as I noticed other women talking nonchalantly to some of the members of the crowd. One woman had some old guy touching her breasts, poking the nipples, and examining them like someone might look over some object. It made me shudder.

"Please let me touch," he said, bringing my attention back to him.

This was too much. Culturally accepted or not, there was no way I was letting him touch me like that. I almost went to slap him, then stopped myself. "No, sorry, you can't touch," I told him finally.

"Why?" He asked, looking genuinely puzzled.

"In the US, we do not let strangers touch our breasts like that," is what I told him, while thinking to myself, In the US, someone wouldn't be stupid enough to ask something like that. Not completely true, but still, close enough.

"But, you no like men touch your breast?" I sighed, not sure how to get the point across.

"It is not like that." I told him.

"But, they nice breasts. So 綺麗な." He told me, as if that should explain it.

"Sorry, but no," I said, growing very uncomfortable.

I decided to break off our conversation by finding something else to do. I spotted the hostess and walked over to her.

That was a mistake. Once I had her attention, she grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands away from my breasts. "You must not do that," she chided me. The woman she had been talking to glared, then smirked.

"I don't understand." I informed her.

"You must not cover," she said in reply.

"But, why?" I asked, not understanding why I was not allowed to cover my nudity.

"It is rule," she said, as if that should matter. "Please do not break rule."

I wanted to tell her that the rule was stupid. Why wasn't I even allowed to cover myself. In the end, I gave up and asked my question.

"When will lunch be over?" She looked at the clock, and informed me "In 30 more minutes."

I began to see a sick pattern. The more exposed women were, the longer the breaks. And since we apparently were not allowed to cover ourselves, we would be filmed longer and longer the more exposed we were.

What the hell is this, some sort of perverted sex show? I wondered if the last "challenge" was going to be sexual in nature, and hoped not. There was no way I would do THAT!

I tried to figure out what to do for the next thirty minutes, and how to hide my exposure from the crowd, the other women, and the infernally rolling cameras.

Everywhere I looked, heads followed. I still could not figure out why they were so fascinated with me, and kept watching me. I wanted to yell at them, and finally just went to the podium and tried to just stand there, staring at the screen the rest of the time, ignoring all the eyes. The pitiless, dark eyes.

Finally, the women all gathered back at their podium. The announcer spoke again, and something changed on my screen. Two boxes were presented to me.

The announcer said something, and pointed at my podium. Remembering something mentioned about a choice, I picked one at random, since I had no idea what either were.

We went to what looked like a track made with tape in one section. There was a spoon and a small pail of water on one end, and a pitcher of water on the other. I understood what this was, having done similar things in school when I was young. The timer hit zero, and I scooped up the water in the spoon and ran to the other side, dumping it in.

I could not understand why this was a challenge on a fear factor type of show, but kept going despite this.

My breasts bounced and swayed as I tried to quickly walk from one side to the other, careful to avoid spilling. Not that I avoided it, a couple times even spilling the entire spoonful.

About halfway through, I realized this was just the next step in these stupid perv games. Over half of us were topless, and trying to balance the spoon ensured we would not pay any attention to our chest. The exposed breasts were the object, not the challenge itself. I couldn't believe how stupid I had been.

It took about 20 minutes before the first pitcher was filled, us running back and forth. Another 10 minutes before the last was filled. The water in each was measured, and some sort of measurement and comparing of the time must have went into figuring out the winner and loser. I realized I had no real chance as the winner was called by the announcer, and the rest of the women started removing the next piece of clothing. For 3 of us, that was the last piece.

I took off my panties and stood behind my podium, hiding my landing strip trimmed private region. Most of the other women were natural, which made me feel even more exposed.

The completely naked women started lining up to the side, standing straight, arms to their side, looking straight ahead. Almost like they were in the military. I groaned, thinking at least once I was completely naked, I would be able to leave the stage, and all these eyes. I lined up with the rest of them and tried to ignore the existence of anyone else in the place as I stood there wearing nothing but the shoes.

One more round took place, followed by a 30 minute break. During the break, the women mingled more with the crowd than before. At least no one was letting members of the crowd touch their pussy, unlike their breasts. I hid behind the podium, or at least tried to. The young man who had asked to touch my breasts earlier waved me over, as I stood there ignoring him.

The hostess came over and took my hand, pulling on it. "Come. He want to talk to you."

I shook my head no, "I don't want to talk to him."

I might as well have not said anything, because she continued trying to drag me by the hand. "Come, he want to talk to you." I finally gave up as she got more and more urgent, and went with her.

"No, you cannot touch," I said when we got in front of him.

His expression turned alarmed. "No, I no ask to touch. I just want to say, your hair is very pretty. I like color."

"Thanks," I mumbled, at a complete loss what else to say.

"You have boyfriend?" He asked. I looked at him shocked.

"No, I don't." I told him, looking back down, not wanting to see all these people, all these cameras, watching me.

"I be your boyfriend? I love white girl!" He said, way to enthusiastic.

I didn't even know what to say, so just stood there, feeling completely embarrassed and overwhelmed.

"So, you be my girlfriend?"

I shook my head, and said, "Sorry, I don't think so. I am not even from Japan."

"It no matter. I will come to US with you. I always want to see US. Big apple! Baseball. All great."

"Look, I don't know you, and have no interest in having some sort of boyfriend who asks me out because 'My breasts are...' whatever you said, and because my 'hair is pretty'. I am not interested in a Japanese man because 'I like white girl'." I was upset, and could anyone blame me?

The hostess apparently understood enough to look appalled at my words, but the man just continued to stare at me. "So, you be my girlfriend?"

I gave up and just said, "No, sorry," while staring at the ground.

He looked sad, but let me go.

"You mean," the hostess said, sounding both upset and disappointed.

"I don't even know him, and had already told him no. What do you expect? Especially since he asked me that after he saw me naked. I am not some sort of object."

She didn't say anything else, just walking away.

Once the break was over, I continued to stand there for another 20 minutes like a statue, completely naked in front of all these people. Finally, the last woman won, still wearing her bra and panties, and we were allowed to leave.

The discovery

We got dressed, and I explored Tokyo a little since I was already here. When I got back to the hotel, I connected to the WiFi and checked my email.

I opened an email from a friend of mine that only said: Sorry you didn't win.

I groaned, wondering how she knew about, well, any of this.

I opened a second email, not knowing who it was from. It contained only a link to a video titled: White girl naked on Japanese TV show.

I went to the video and saw everything that happened. I saw the video already had over 200,000 views, only a few hours after we had finished.

I am going to kill my master when I see him.

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