End of Prologue

From Create Your Own Story

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You sit on the cold floor of the cargo hold. Currently you are trying not to shift your weight too much, in the cramped quarters it is hard to get comfortable. You're not sure how long exactly you've been chained to the floor, but you would guess not much more than a day. This is mostly based on there being no bathroom breaks, and that your bladder has not yet started to complain. It is pitch black in here except for the dull red emergency lights overhead. The only time you've been able to get a good look around this room was during inventory checks... and just a few minutes ago when some giant of a man escorted some blonde girl out of the hold. It was obvious what had happened, and the girl hadn't spoken since she'd been brought back. You are just thankful it wasn't you. You can feel the steady thrum of the engines beginning to slow, and you know the ship has almost arrived. It seems surreal to be in this place, impossible even. Just a few days ago you had been a normal twenty year old woman going to college. Now you are on a slave ship sold to god knows who in god knows where. You shake your head trying to clear it. It is just so hard to stop thinking about what happened. Especially in this eventless, dark, uncomfortable hold.

It was bad timing and a hateful stepfather to thank for your being in this mess. Slavery laws were a touchy thing, a complicated thing, and were pretty easy to get around if you knew the right people. On Earth, where you are from, slavery is illegal. But only illegal on the actual planet and surrounding solar system. Get someone to say, the Wrean District next door, and a person could easily be sold into the slave trade. There's really only one thing you have to get around. You must have legal claim on someone. Like say, guardianship. So a few days before you turned twenty one and became legally an adult and responsible for yourself, your stepfather had sold you. Your stupid stepfather, who you have always hated, who was a drunk and a peice of shit for pretty well his whole life. A piece of shit who likely was the cause of your dead mother's heart attack. A piece of shit who has been trying to screw you since you started to hit puberty. He never succeeded though, your mother protected you where she could not herself. For that much at least, you are grateful, and for that you can't bring yourself to hate your mother for leaving you in such hands. But, now you were to be sold as a slave with absolutely no control or certainty over your future. You were now expected to live a life of servitude, and for what? For men like the ones on this ship to have their way with whenever they fancy. Well, they'd find out the hard way you won't be so easy to dominate... that's for sure.

A light jolt brings you out of your thoughts. It is most likely the docking mechanism, locking and now pressurizing. You feel the others stir around you as they grow restless. You feel rather restless yourself. None of them had been very talkative during the trip, most so cowed by years of slavery that they daren't disturb the ship crew. The blonde woman had been one of those. You could practically smell it on her, like a kind of weak perfume. 'Don't hurt me and I'll do whatever you want,' it said. You hope you will never be like that. You promise yourself you won't. Suddenly, the lights turn on and the chains, which were clasped around your feet and hands, release. You rub your wrists and ankles absentmindedly as a hard looking man with dark hair and piercing blue eyes walks into the room. "You will all follow, single file, out into the main area. You will follow Jaimie here," he points at the man you saw earlier, "And you will stop when he stops. I expect no trouble from you. Do not make me regret removing your restraints. You may take the gags out of your mouths and leave them here. Do not make a sound. I expect silence from all of you." Everyone did was they were told. The other nameless crew members have tasers, and will not be shy about using them should someone act up.

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