Put on your best puppy dog face and beg forgiveness

From Create Your Own Story

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You let out a helpless little cry and fall to your knees.

"Please forgive me," you plead, wearing the most pitiful expression you can manage as you look up into your landlord's eyes through a teary haze.

Your landlord harrumphs and angrily sucks in breath.

"Now listen here, if you think you can-"

"I was s-so p-p-poor," you interrupt, your soft voice quivering with emotion. "A-and hungry, a-a-and c-cold. I-I j-j-just wanted t-to stay s-s-somewhere s-safe."

"But what gives you the right to-"

"I th-thought that I c-could rely on your Ch-ch-christian ch-charity," you wail, threatening to burst into tears.

Your landlord's face swells up, beet red with indignation.

"How dare you insult me? I am a man of good will, every penny I collect in profit I give to the Church," he lies.

"I-I have n-no f-f-f-family," you plow onward with your pitch, salty tears streaming from your big, expressive eyes. "P-p-please, if you throw m-me b-b-back out there I'll h-have nowhere t-t-to g-go..."

"I know a few places that'd be thrilled to have you," your landlord mutters, looking down at your expansive cleavage. "Make good money too."

You are stung to the quick by this insult, but you note with satisfaction that he appears to be wavering, so you let it pass. The thugs shift their weight awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

"I-I know you are a chivalrous G-God-fearing m-man. I-if only I c-could have a s-second chance, I-"

"YOU ask ME for a second chance? I just ate dog shit! You're taking advantage of my generosity! My children are going hungry!" He hastily pulls his cloak tighter around his fine silk shirt. "We are living on bread and-"

You sigh inwardly. Time to swallow your pride and go for the jugular.

You drown him out with a loud sob and collapse forward. You squeeze your breasts together with your arms and press them against your landlord's legs.

"I-I know I have sinned g-gravely ag-gainst you," you whimper, rhythmically rubbing your firm, round, mostly bare breasts up and down your landlord's breeches, your face inches from his crotch. "B-but I swear that i-if you'll only grant me s-some time, I'll m-make it up to you..."

Your landlord is visibly flustered; his face flushes red, but you know it's not from anger this time.

"Well, but - I suppose - still doesn't change the fact - made me eat dog-"

Sensing impending victory, you heave a deep, melancholy sigh and nuzzle your cheek into the growing bulge in his pants.

Your landlord gulps audibly and stutters, mumbling incoherently. You stop massaging his thighs with your breasts and give him the sad puppy eyes again.

"Oh, fine," he grumbles, still looking disoriented. "I'll be back in one week to collect all the rent you owe - with interest."

You smile your most pathetically grateful smile.

"Oh, thank you for your kind generosity, my lord," you grovel. "It is so much more than I deserve. I won't disappoint you."

You push your boobs into him one last time, just in case he agrees that it really is more than you deserve.

"Right, right. Well - one week." Your landlord adjusts his now-uncomfortably tight trousers and turns to leave, walking straight into one of his hired thugs.

"Move, you barbarians!" he barks, and together they beat a sheepish, clumsy retreat back down the stairs.

"Idiot," you mutter as you get to your feet and slam the door shut again. You heave a sigh of relief and adjust your breasts inside your dress. "And a usurer."

Not that you haven't committed any sins lately either, as you'll readily admit. Still, what kind of moron believes that someone living in a pit like this could pay for anything in gold anyway? At any rate, you've earned a brief reprieve - at least until your landlord realizes that you picked three groschen from his pocket during your performance. You swallow guiltily as you safely stow the coins securely in your pouch. You have a lot to confess.

Looking around your room once again, you:

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