Darklands/Character Sheet - Davide Angelin

From Create Your Own Story



  • Full Name: Davide Angelin
  • Common Name: Davide
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 15 years old
  • Height: 4'10"
  • Weight: 91 lbs.
  • Skin tone: White
  • Hair: Red
  • Eyes: Dark brown
  • Background: Rural commoner
  • Current occupation: Novice
  • Languages spoken: Friulian, Latin


  • Endurance: Average
  • Strength: Low
  • Agility: Very high
  • Perception: Above average
  • Intelligence: Very high
  • Charisma: High

Special skills

  • Speak Latin: You were raised in the monastery and speak Latin natively.
  • Read and Write:
  • Religion:
  • Virtue:
  • Stealth:

Weapon proficiency

  • Melee weapons: Edged weapons
  • Missile weapons: Bows


Your mother was a beautiful young villager who was raped by an evil knight and his men on a pillaging tour. When you were only three, both of you contracted the dreaded plague. In desperation, your mother brought you to the monastery, where the abbess took pity on you both and brought you inside. Your mother died that night, but through the grace of God you were miraculously saved.

To be continued



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