Go talk to the librarian

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:54, 22 February 2016 by Bracelet85 (Talk | contribs)

Emily talks to the librarian, who agrees to meet her in the garden cafe outside of library. “Ohh, very interesting...you find out that the W in front of the number means that it belonged to a woman, a member of the RCAF Women’s Division. And although we know this woman's service number, the Department of National Defence won't release any information unless you are a family member. Japanese woman friend of librarian (museum custodian). She knew some of the women in the division back in the day.

music light classical, birds/water etc.

Images: garden

Characters Emily, librarian

Do you:

Scene 2b) Librarian/ garden scene

Lights up. Cue music. Enter LIBRARIAN. She is a local Canadian, aged 28. Very light-hearted, bubbly, and easily excitable. She carries several mystery books close to her. She dances and (poorly) sings to the music. While she is dancing, EMILY enters, watching from a distance. Eventually, she notices EMILY and, startled as well as slightly embarrassed, she addresses her.

Librarian: Oh! Hello there! [Begins to colect the books]

Emily: Hi. Are you the libarian here?

Librarian: Yes! I, ehm, was just comparing the weight of these books, by, ehm, swinging them about….in my arms…and vocalizing the, ehm...yes...is there something I can help you with?

Emily: I was hoping to use the library database to look through some newspaper articles. Specifically personal ads that may have been published after 1940.

Librarian: What a range! You’ll be posted up in front of the monitor for ages before you find anything that may be helpful. Is there anything I may help you with? Perhaps a clue that may narrow down your search?

Emily: My uncle recently passed away and…

Librarian: [With growing excitement and less to Emily] You suspect foul play? Checking to see if the papers may lead you to a suspect? Have you been to the scene of the crime? We can dust for fingerprints! I have my own Junior Detective Kit! Finally! I’ll show them...too jumpy to be a detective. HA! I laugh in the face of danger.

She laughs and knocks over a book which causes her to shriek with fear.

Librarian: [Composing herself] Ehm...well, you were saying?

Emily: Yes, my uncle passed and while I was cleaning out his cabin, I found…

Librarian: [cutting her off] A gun!

Emily: No a…

Librarian: [Again interrupting] A secret underground tunnel!

Emily: [A lit more impatient] No, I found…

Librarian: [Again as before] A severed human head with its lips sewn shut!

Emily: A bracelet.

Librarian: Oh, ehm. Yes, of course. May I see it?

Emily shows her the bracelet.

Librarian: I’ve seen one of these before! Down at the World War 2 exhibit at the museum. If I remember correctly, it’s a charm used for identification. I don’t know what the markings mean, but if I were to use my deductive resoning I’d say that they indicate

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