Break the sphere

From Create Your Own Story

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You walk up slowly. Closer up, the brightest part of the light seems to be moving, darting from side to side. As you draw near, it stills, almost as if looking at you, expectantly.

Bravely, you smash the sphere with your fist, expecting a glass CRUNCH! but getting more of a soft pop. As you stand there, the light source flits around quickly, then grows and grows, until it's a full size woman.


You, innocent 10 year old, don't see how sexy she is, and are more excited about...well, everything else.

"What are you?"

"I, young mortal, am a fairy. In fact, I am the Fairy Queen."

"Wow, a real Fairy!"

She smiled at you. "Yes. Now, I would like to thank you. Some particularly nasty young warlocks trapped me in that bubble. I'd hate to think what they would've done." She shuddered. "Anyways, you got me out, so I will grant you one wish, anything you desire."

You quickly, almost without thought said, "I want to have my own kingdom!" This had been a fantasy of yours since you were much smaller, and now opportunity arose.

The Fairy Queen looked thoughtful. " will be hard, but I do believe I can do it. However, young one, it shall take 10 years before my work is complete, and the Kingdom is yours. Will this be okay?"

Yes. (10 years later...)

Ask for something different

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