Find a safe place to sleep tonight

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:26, 25 December 2015 by Wannabe rockstar (Talk | contribs)
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You head towards another part of town, your well-trained eye keeping an eye out for places that look decrepit, filthy and dilapidated, likely to be dirt-cheap or abandoned. You'd also like a place to stash your stuff for the moment, as your shoulders are starting to get sore.

Lately your city has been thriving, as Venice expands its domain westward across land and deeper into the Mediterranean, so you walk quite a ways without seeing anything very promising. Your shoulders are well and truly aching now, so you sit down on a curb to rest for a while.

Across the street is a new building with colourful curtains in the windows, which piques your curiosity. You wonder why only men seem to be entering and leaving, until someone leaves the door open long enough for you to spot a pair of girls younger and even more scantily clad than yourself being led upstairs by much older men.

Your stomach turns a little: it's clearly a brothel.


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