PL- Welcome To The Jungle

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 11:19, 30 November 2015 by Lezlover94 (Talk | contribs)
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You and the other new inmates where herded in a line by big guards with shotguns off the bus and into the section of the prison where they process new inmates, you where then stripped, searched, showered and given your new orange jumpsuit, a far cry from the high end fashion items you had grown so accustomed to on the outside. You where then marched in a line and put into your cell. Quite a few of the prisoners recognized you, and those that didn't joined in with hurling threats and abuse towards you the one that stood out the most was "I'm gonna make you my wife". You felt so uncomfortable with these scary grown men eyeing you up as their new fucktoy. Your anal virginity wasn't going to last long in here, you'd done some things in the past for your career but never went that far. You were to small and dainty to be able to fight off these guys so you knew that to make it out of here you would have to do things you didn't want to.

You snapped back into reality as you heard "Courtney Black" being called by the guard with the clipboard, you where then directed into your cell, what you where entering into though was a complete mystery.

-PL- Here We Go...

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