Ask the stallion if you can meet any other unicorns

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"...Could I maybe meet the other unicorns?" you ask.

The stallion pauses for a moment, and finally responds, "You really want to meet them?" You nod, secretly hoping to meet a stallion or mare who's sexually interested in you. The Stallion sighs, and helps you to your feet. "All right."

With that, his horn glows blue, and a magical door appears before you. The two of you go inside, and within is a land seeped in ancient magic. You nearly topple over from the amount. Everything is glowing and vibrant, it's like walking through the gates of heaven. You start out alone, but soon more magical doors appear, and out steps the only remaining unicorns left alive. There's ten unicorns left, including you and the stallion.

Including you, there's four mares, and six stallions. The three other mares are quite different from you, one is large, muscular and pitch black in skin and hair, with small breasts. Another is around your size, but more lean, with petite breasts, and silver skin and hair. The third is pretty average, in both shape and size, with brown skin and black hair. Of the other mares, you have the largest breasts and best figure, by far. It makes you wonder if the stallion who saved you, secretly made your new body according to his desires.

The other five stallions are quite a sight to behold. One is especially huge, standing at ten feet tall, and muscles so defined and large, they look sculpted, his snout is short, with light brown skin and white hair, and his hooves are covered in hair. The other's are more like the stallion who saved you, with varying colors and muscle tone.

"So, why have you brought us hear?" the massive stallion asks, but it's clear to you that he already knows, as he's staring right at you.

"We have a new mare among us." one of the mares says.

"Ripe for breeding." another says.

"How is this possible?"

Clearing his throat, the stallion who saved your life steps forward and explains, "She was not born a unicorn. She was dying and I saved her life, by giving her this body."

"But why a unicorn? Why would you risk giving her a mare's body?" the large stallion demands, his anger quite clear.

"Because she was mere seconds from death, and I had to act quickly. I did not have to the time, nor knowledge to create a replacement body of her own species. I'm sorry."

The unicorns discuss among each other, and you begin to feel that it probably wasn't the best idea to meet them. After a brief discussion, the giant stallion stands before you.

You sheepishly look up to him, and he leers at you, and says, "You are a very beautiful mare." he then eyes the stallion at your side, "Clearly, on purpose." his gaze then returns to you, and you get the feeling he wants you. "One of us will have to teach you our ways. I nominate myself."

"Now hold on just a minute!" one of the mare's bellows, "If anyone should teach her our ways, it should be one us mare's. Not you brutes."

"Wait a minute!" the stallion who saved your life interrupts, "I saved her life, if anyone should teach her our ways, it's me."

"Then why don't we let her decide then?" the smallest of the mares suggests.

They seem to agree, and all eyes turn to you, waiting for your answer.

Health mare unicorn, horny Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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