Go to work as a part-time secretary in a business office

From Create Your Own Story

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You head down and take the bus. You try to forget the evening on the way there and when you arrive, you manage to get a shift and get thrown on some dull files cleaning. While you usualy hate this job during the day, you welcome it as it gives you a chance to get away from home and from your problems. You've been working evening shift in this box owned by a man named Thomas Angler. He offers administration of business's affair and is doing pretty well. You got lucky to score a job at this place as it pays very well for a part-time schooler.

A few hours passes and nightfalls. You are about to finish and leave when see lucy coming down from the main hall. She walks up to you:"hey, when you are done, M. Angler wants to see you before you go." You raise an eyebrow but nods. Lucy punch out and you finished the files before getting up and walking up to his office. The hall is long and you realise there's nobody else working tonigh. Well it is pretty damn late.

You reach the office and knock on the door. A grave male voices calls out : "Come in Tifanny"

You enter and M. Angler invites you to sit. He has that business attitude only. You've only met him a few times but you always thought that this is a man who works for his life. Although he's been nice so far, you know he is pretty severe when it comes to the job.

"You asked to see me ?" you asked a little uneasy.

"Yes." his tone is grave and he seems like to hesitate a little bit and it dosn't put you at ease at all. "I have a bad news for you. You see the office is undergoing a change in the way we handle human ressources and many posts are getting cut down."

You realise just where he is going with this. Heart in your throat, you don't speak so he just continues:"Unforunately that means we are going to cut in several part-time posts including yours."

Tears well up in your eyes. This job was hard and boring most of the time but it saved your butts a bunch of time. Allowed you to pay for your stuffs and also puts you in part with your dumb father..."

"Please sir you can't do that..."

He grabs a few tissue and hands it to you:"Calm down and don't cry. It is not definitive yet. And we are still working on solutions. I am actualy glad to have caught you this time. Most days you are scheduled I am unable to speak to you properly"

You wipe them off and try to calm down. He lean over:"Are you okay ?"

"Yes" you meekly say. You aren't faking any of this unfortunately. You really felt complete despair for a few seconds.

"I like the work you are doing for us though. And I have thought about a solution."

You look up at him hopeful. "please sir. anything."

He smiles but his smiles is a warm and little: "I will inform most of our part-timer that I will be taking a personal assistant"

You take a few seconds. "A personal assistant ...?"

He smiles widely and nods at you:"Yes. The only way to preserve your job here is to promote you."

"But..." you go to say you have no clue what a personal assistant job entails.

He looks down at you and grins:"I know this is a little unorthodox. But I would be willing to skip a few steps and gives you an oral evaluation right now."

You looks down a bit. You are a little taken from all this developpement. You just learned you'd lose your job unless you try for this job.

"Don't worry about most of the detail. You won't have to pay for your uniform and it will not take up your school time." he says. You are still struggling with your thoughts and you realise you've been quiet for awhile now.

"Is everything allright?" he asks.

"Yes yes !... I'm sorry... It's just... I am surprised... I did not expect this night to be going this way at all. first of all I don't even know what a personal assistant do..."

His smiles goes wide and he nods:"I know that you aren't formed to be a personal assistant but it's actualy pretty straightforward. You basicly do whatever I need you to do at the time, no question asks."

His glare makes you feel a little uneasy as you find subtle hint in his tone of voice:"Anything you want?"

He gets up and walks up to the desk and smiles down at you:"Indeed. It can mean driving my car, taking a phone call, arranging my schedule. It also involve relieving personal stress." he finaly adds with a grin.

"Personal stress?" you ask a little meekly.

"Yes. As a personal assistant, you will be asked to take care of several personal matter in order to help me work better. That is after all, what this role entails."

You swallow a little bit.:"You mean... sex ?..."

He nods and smile a bit. "That is also part of the job."

"But... isn't there laws against this ?" you ask. He smiles:"The law protect against unconsensual intercourse. If you take up the job, you sign up willingly for this as it is part of your new duty."

You realise your options... You can lose your job and go home. By the look in his eyes, you know that if you take up this oral evaluation, you won't keep your dignity intact.

"I am waiting for your answer Miss Ross...Will you take up the evaluation ?" he asks after another bit of quiet.

What do you answer:

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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